The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who argued that a just city had to exist in conformity with man's permanent nature and not what was ephemeral and changing according to Chapter 2?
(a) Rousseau and Plato.
(b) Engles and Rousseau.
(c) Plato and Aristotle.
(d) Plato and Engles.

2. What justified an armed rebellion against the Emperor in China?
(a) The loss of the Mandate of Tang.
(b) The loss of the Mandate of Heaven.
(c) The loss of the Mandate of Governance.
(d) The loss of the Mandate of Stability.

3. When did the Gauls choose to elect a common authority for the whole confederation?
(a) When war broke out with Rome.
(b) When the Huns were about to invade.
(c) When Vercingetorix conquered Gaul.
(d) When Caesar rose to power.

4. When did Rajiv Gandhi decentralized power in India?
(a) 1999.
(b) 1986.
(c) 1979.
(d) 1989.

5. When did the Mamluk regime fall?
(a) 1517.
(b) 1532.
(c) 1524.
(d) 1598.

6. What was Steven Pinker's occupation?
(a) Evolutionary anthropologist.
(b) Evolutionary historian.
(c) Evolutionary psychologist.
(d) Evolutionary economist.

7. When did Clovis rule?
(a) 11th century.
(b) 6th century.
(c) 8th century.
(d) 7th century.

8. What metal made the infantry more useful?
(a) Steel.
(b) Iron.
(c) Copper.
(d) Zinc.

9. What weapons played a key role in the fall of Constantinople?
(a) Catapult.
(b) Chariots.
(c) Long bows.
(d) Firearms.

10. When did the Communists claim victory in China?
(a) 1956.
(b) 1949.
(c) 1946.
(d) 1957.

11. When did Chandra Gupta I rise to power?
(a) 330 A.D.
(b) 50 A.D.
(c) 340 A.D.
(d) 320 A.D.

12. When did iron start being used commonly in China?
(a) 900 B.C.
(b) 600 B.C.
(c) 700 B.C.
(d) 800 B.C.

13. Who formulated an ideology of state building that explicitly laid out the logic of the new centralized state?
(a) Tang.
(b) Chu.
(c) Qin.
(d) Xiao.

14. When did Muhammad and his followers move to Medina?
(a) 592.
(b) 622.
(c) 425.
(d) 632.

15. What did the Greeks and Romans poor on the tomb of a dead man?
(a) Water.
(b) Wine.
(c) Honey.
(d) Mud.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who helped the Emperor stage a coup against Empress Liang's house according to Chapter 9?

2. What population density allowed agriculture?

3. How long did it take to put down the Yellow Turban peasant rebellion?

4. How many families were relocated by the Qin Dynasty?

5. When did Bimbisara become king?

(see the answer keys)

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