The Oresteia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Oresteia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Furies turn into at Athena's behest at the very end of The Oresteia?
(a) They allow themselves to dissolve into nothingness.
(b) They become messengers alongside Hermes.
(c) They become agents aiming for the betterment of the world.
(d) They become agents of Athena's warriors.

2. According to the chorus, to what did Clytemnestra give birth in her dream?
(a) A gorgon.
(b) A goat.
(c) A snake.
(d) A lion.

3. What does Orestes promise Zeus if he succeeds in his revenge?
(a) He will restore the glory of their name.
(b) He will worship the gods as humbly as he can.
(c) He will build a grand altar for Zeus.
(d) He will live anonymously and wisely.

4. Why should Apollo's claim about the nature of parenthood appeal to Athena?
(a) Athena has no mother and was born from Zeus's head.
(b) Athena was abandoned by her father.
(c) Athena has no father and was born from Hera's head.
(d) Athena was abandoned by her mother.

5. What does Athena name the judges who will vote on whether Orestes is guilty or not in the last part of the third play?
(a) The Areopagus.
(b) The oracles.
(c) The Eumidagos.
(d) The Colopagus.

6. How does Clytemnestra plead for her life to Orestes?
(a) She reminds him that Electra will be motherless.
(b) She tells him Iphigenia pleaded for her life before being sacrificed.
(c) She reminds Orestes that she is his mother.
(d) She tells Orestes she was ordered by Zeus to kill Agamemnon.

7. What is the question on the chorus's mind after Orestes flees the palace?
(a) They wonder who will take the throne in Mycenae.
(b) They wonder if Orestes was truly ordered by the gods to avenge Agamemnon.
(c) They wonder if the family will ever break their curse.
(d) They wonder if Electra will follow her brother.

8. Who is the oracle?
(a) Orestes' sister.
(b) A priestess of Hera.
(c) A priest who speaks to the gods.
(d) A woman who prophesizes from the gods.

9. For whom do the disguised Orestes and Pylades cry out while outside the palace?
(a) Cilissa.
(b) Clytemnestra.
(c) Electra.
(d) Aegisthus.

10. What happened to Clytemnestra in her dream when she tried to nurse what she'd been birthed?
(a) The snake bit her and drew blood.
(b) The gorgon turned her to stone.
(c) The lion mauled her.
(d) The goat ran away.

11. What does Orestes realize about his mother's dream?
(a) It prophesizes his failure in his revenge.
(b) It prophesizes his revenge against his mother.
(c) It prophesizes the death of Electra
(d) It prophesizes the murder of Clytemnestra by Aegisthus.

12. To whom does the oracle pray after her vision in the beginning of The Eumenides?
(a) Athena.
(b) Zeus.
(c) Apollo.
(d) Hermes.

13. What must Aegisthus bring with him to the palace?
(a) A regiment of soldiers.
(b) Orestes' sword.
(c) Offerings to the gods.
(d) Agamemnon's body.

14. What is the main conflict between Athena and the Furies?
(a) The Furies believe Athena is unfavorably judging them.
(b) The Furies wish for Athena to join them.
(c) The Furies want to overthrow Zeus, but Athena will not allow them.
(d) They argue about whether the old gods or young gods are more relevant.

15. Where does the second part of "The Eumenides" take place?
(a) Athens.
(b) Delphi.
(c) Mycenae.
(d) Sparta.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Orestes hold up as proof that his father has been avenged?

2. Where does the beginning of "The Eumenides" take place?

3. Why does Orestes wish to return to the oracle at the end of "The Libation Bearers"?

4. To whom does Orestes pray when he arrives at the destination Apollo sent him to?

5. What does Orestes firmly reinforce while protesting his innocence to the council?

(see the answer keys)

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