The Oresteia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Oresteia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the chorus feel about Cassandra?
(a) They are in awe of her.
(b) They are repulsed by her.
(c) They sympathize with her.
(d) They are dismissive of her.

2. Who accompanies Orestes to Agamemnon's tomb in the beginning of the second play?
(a) Menelaus.
(b) Pylades.
(c) Odysseus.
(d) An oracle.

3. What does Clytemnestra wish for herself and her country at the end of the Agamemnon?
(a) She wishes to retire as queen.
(b) She wishes to conquer the next city.
(c) She wishes to live peacefully.
(d) She wishes to have another child to take over for her.

4. Whom did Clytemnestra send into exile?
(a) Hecuba.
(b) Iphigenia.
(c) Electra.
(d) Orestes.

5. Who is the first character to speak in "The Oresteia"?
(a) Agamemnon.
(b) The leader of the chorus.
(c) The Watchman.
(d) Menelaus.

6. What is Aegisthus's relationship to Clytemnestra as demonstrated at the end of "The Agamemnon"?
(a) He is her son.
(b) He is her father.
(c) He is her lover.
(d) He is her brother.

7. What kept Agamemnon from leaving for Troy right away?
(a) He did not wish to leave his family.
(b) No wind.
(c) He did not feel he had probable cause to go to Troy.
(d) A prophecy.

8. What interrupts the chorus's meditations on life at the end of the fourth part of "The Agamemnon"?
(a) Orestes returns to the city.
(b) Cassandra is screaming.
(c) Agamemnon is screaming.
(d) Clytemnestra is laughing.

9. According to the chorus, what is the only thing Electra can pray for while at Agamemnon's grave?
(a) The return of her family.
(b) The death of her father's murderers.
(c) Her own freedom.
(d) Her mother's salvation.

10. How is Aegisthus related to the house of Atreus?
(a) He is the nephew of Atreus.
(b) He is the son of Atreus.
(c) He is the cousin of Atreus.
(d) He is the husband of Atreus's daughter.

11. What is the herald's opinion on Troy and Paris?
(a) It is a tragedy.
(b) Paris should have surrendered and the city left untouched.
(c) The city should have turned Paris over to the Greeks.
(d) They got what they deserved.

12. What reasoning did Clytemnestra give for exiling a certain person before the events of "The Agamemnon"?
(a) She wanted him out of the way of her lover's ascension.
(b) She was afraid that gods would smite her son.
(c) She was afraid her daughter might tempt her lover.
(d) She wanted to keep her son safe from Trojan assassins.

13. What is Clytemnestra's final reaction to Cassandra?
(a) She tries to help the princess down from the chariot.
(b) She begs the princess to leave.
(c) She begs the princess for forgiveness for her husband's actions.
(d) She grows angry and goes inside.

14. What does Clytemnestra's entrance reveal in the fifth part of "The Agamemnon"?
(a) Orestes has returned.
(b) Agamemnon and Cassandra are murdered.
(c) Aegisthus is preparing to murder her.
(d) The ghost of her daughter is following her.

15. For what does the herald thank the gods?
(a) He thanks them for sending him his wife.
(b) He thanks them for speaking to him.
(c) He thanks them for having such a benevolent queen.
(d) He thanks them for blessing him and the army.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Agamemnon agree to walk on the carpet?

2. To whom does Electra pray while at Agamemnon's tomb?

3. In the first part of the first play, according to Clytemnestra, what does Agamemnon have yet to endure?

4. According to the chorus in the second part of the first play, what will always prevail?

5. What does the signal that the man on the roof sees mean?

(see the answer keys)

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