The Orchard Keeper Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Orchard Keeper Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How could John Wesley be charged with aiding a criminal?
(a) He gave money to an accused murderer.
(b) He gave a gun to a fugitive.
(c) He hid out a fugitive.
(d) The man he helped was a bootlegger.

2. Which is true of the orchard keeper's environment when he awakens?
(a) Everything is quiet.
(b) All of these.
(c) Nothing is stirring.
(d) It has snowed.

3. Who picks up Ownby when he is spotted walking with his dog?
(a) The police.
(b) Two men in a car.
(c) Sylder.
(d) Mildred Rattner.

4. What does John Wesley try to recover from the courthouse?
(a) Ownby's gun.
(b) Sylder's wallet.
(c) His father's death certificate.
(d) The chickenhawk's corpse.

5. What kind of animal do the boys have trapped in a cave?
(a) Fox.
(b) Rabbit.
(c) Skunk.
(d) Weasel.

6. Why does Gifford want to see Sylder?
(a) To get a confession out of him.
(b) To beat him up for socking him on the jaw.
(c) To release him.
(d) To read him his rights.

7. What animals is the wildcat prowling for at the beginning of this section?
(a) Rabbits.
(b) Minks.
(c) Weasels.
(d) Squirrels.

8. Huffaker tells Gifford that Ownby comes to the store __________________.
(a) every day.
(b) almost every day.
(c) once a year.
(d) occasionally.

9. What does the orchard keeper notice about the peach pit when he visits it?
(a) It is paved over.
(b) It is vacant.
(c) It is covered over with dirt.
(d) It is smoldering.

10. How did Sylder lose part of his toe?
(a) A bullet grazed it.
(b) A piano fell on it.
(c) He got gangrene.
(d) An anchor dropped on it.

11. What does John Wesley promise to take care of for Ownby?
(a) Scout.
(b) His orchard.
(c) His house.
(d) His still.

12. How old was Mildred Rattner when she died?
(a) 39.
(b) 65.
(c) 29.
(d) 45.

13. What about Sylder's appearance shocks John Wesley?
(a) His clothes are all torn to shreds.
(b) He hasn't shaved in days.
(c) He has big, dark circles under his eyes.
(d) He is badly beaten.

14. How could the charges against John Wesley be dropped?
(a) If he would give information about Sylder.
(b) They can't be dropped.
(c) If he paid off the cops.
(d) If he got a good attorney.

15. Where does Sylder's car die while on his whiskey run?
(a) In front of the police station.
(b) On a muddy road.
(c) On the interstate.
(d) On the bridge.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the police choose not to reveal to Mildred Rattner about her husband?

2. What extreme weather is Ownby navigating at the beginning of this section?

3. What is the widow Rattner's first name?

4. Where does Wylder get gas before going on another whiskey run?

5. How many prior convictions does Sylder say he has had when questioned by the desk sergeant?

(see the answer keys)

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