The One and Only Ivan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The One and Only Ivan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who helps Ruby get out of the water hole?
(a) Hyenas.
(b) Humans.
(c) No one.
(d) Elephants.

2. What does Ivan decide to add to the painting he makes for Ruby?
(a) A red hat.
(b) A baby gorilla.
(c) A word.
(d) A circus tent.

3. How can you tell that an elephant has been in the refrigerator?
(a) By the footprints in the butter.
(b) The milk is gone.
(c) It won't close.
(d) The light is on.

4. What did Ivan use to decorate the refrigerator door?
(a) Frosting.
(b) Mud.
(c) Paint.
(d) Dung.

5. Where would Ivan and his sister bounce?
(a) Their mother's back.
(b) Their father's belly.
(c) On tree branches.
(d) Their nests.

6. In the chapter titled "angry", what does Ivan do to get the attention of Julia and George when they try to leave in the mall?
(a) Beats on the glass.
(b) Beats his chest.
(c) Paints on the glass.
(d) Throws me-balls.

7. What do humans call a gorilla family?
(a) A gaggle.
(b) A troop.
(c) A herd.
(d) A flock.

8. What does Stella say elephant hearts are made of?
(a) Fire.
(b) Ice.
(c) Stone.
(d) Cotton Candy.

9. Who is the first person to see Ivan's word?
(a) George.
(b) Bob.
(c) Julia.
(d) Mack.

10. Why did Ivan's sister die?
(a) She caught a cold.
(b) She could not let go of her wild home.
(c) She was left alone.
(d) She was shot by hunters.

11. Why had Ruby been chained to a floor?
(a) To break her spirit.
(b) Because she was violent.
(c) To prevent escape.
(d) To keep her safe.

12. Who bought Ivan and raised him like a human baby?
(a) George.
(b) A circus.
(c) Mack.
(d) Gerald.

13. Who is Ruby?
(a) A baby elephant.
(b) A little girl.
(c) A silverback gorilla.
(d) A television star.

14. Where do Julia and George post Ivan's painted message?
(a) On the billboard.
(b) In the courtyard of the mall.
(c) On the Internet.
(d) On the wall of Ivan's cage.

15. How does Mack try to save money when business at the mall begins to slow down?
(a) By raising prices.
(b) By selling Ruby.
(c) By having a sale of Ivan's paintings.
(d) By cutting back on food and heat.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Stella, what is the hardest part of being a parent?

2. What does Ruby do when Mack strikes her with the claw-stick?

3. Where does Bob sleep while Ivan works at night?

4. Who gives Ivan finger paints?

5. Why does Stella stop performing for Mack?

(see the answer keys)

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