The One and Only Bob Short Essay - Answer Key

Katherine Applegate
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The One and Only Bob Short Essay - Answer Key

Katherine Applegate
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. Why does Bob say that no one has ever accused him of being a good dog?

Bob says that no one has ever accused him of being a good dog. He barks at empty air. He eats cat litter. He rolls in garbage to enhance his odor. He harasses innocent squirrels. He hogs the couch, and he licks himself in public. Plus, he has eaten people food when no one was looking.

2. What type of dog is Bob?

Bob is a mutt. He has some Chihuahua and a bit of papillon on his father's side. He is not a wimpy lap dog. He has an attitude and he probably should have been named Bruiser or something else tough.

3. How did Bob meet Ivan?

Bob was a homeless puppy. He was starving and alone. In the middle of the night, he slipped into the mall where Ivan lived in a cage. He saw a small hole in Ivan's enclosure. Ivan was fast asleep. Bob slipped inside the cage and he ate a banana that Ivan was holding in his hand. Then Bob climbed up on Ivan's stomach, and he slept there.

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