The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Pollan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Pollan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were the programs that were set up in order to help farmers during the rougher years?
(a) New Deal.
(b) FSA.
(c) FFA.
(d) HSA.

2. The invention of synthetic materials also meant that _________ would become necessary to fix the nitrogen.
(a) Solar power.
(b) Wind.
(c) Fossil fuels.
(d) Organics.

3. Pollan hopes to bring the reader back to their original _______ of food.
(a) Book.
(b) Idea.
(c) Religion.
(d) Source.

4. The grass also gets a chance to ________ when the cattle is moved around.
(a) Recover.
(b) Grow.
(c) Move.
(d) Die.

5. To help combat how much a person can eat, the food industry has created ________ starch that can allow people to eat more.
(a) Resistant.
(b) Liquid.
(c) Truthful.
(d) Combatant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Many of the products at the health store where Pollan shops contain foods from the _________ food chain.

2. What is the process by which corn is changed into different parts?

3. _______ was mass produced because of all of the corn that was grown at the time of the alcohol period in the country.

4. In many CAFOs, the _______ of pigs are cut off in response to the aggressive behavior they have in those conditions.

5. The Salatin farming method is based on _________ polyculture, and it is highly energy efficient.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does most of the corn planting farming rely on the use of genetically modified organisms (GMO)?

2. What does the lack of a good culture in America cause among people?

3. What is the hybrid corn that is described in this section of the book?

4. What does a person need to know in order to succeed with grass farming?

5. Describe the Salatin farm as Pollan views it in the book from his experiences visiting there.

6. What are some of the other creatures and ingredients that are a part of the picture of the natural cow eating the natural grass?

7. Why do humans have the problem of the omnivore's dilemma, according to Pollan?

8. Why are the chicken pens slowly moved around the pasture during the day?

9. What happens to the cows that produce organic milk for places like Whole Foods, according to Pollan?

10. What is the main idea behind the process of grass farming?

(see the answer keys)

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