The Old Woman With the Knife Test | Final Test - Medium

Gu Byeong-mo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Old Woman With the Knife Test | Final Test - Medium

Gu Byeong-mo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Hornclaw do with a photo of a baby she had and then adopted out?
(a) Burned it.
(b) Ripped it.
(c) Gave it away with the baby.
(d) Buried it.

2. Where did Ryu spread Cho and the baby's ashes?
(a) Mountain.
(b) Park.
(c) Woods.
(d) River.

3. How often does Worryfixer say she will pay Hornclaw after Hornclaw calls to say she cannot complete her job on page 162?
(a) Quarterly.
(b) Weekly.
(c) Bi-monthly.
(d) Monthly.

4. What did Hornclaw do as the man tore off her top on page 136?
(a) Stuck her knee in his crotch.
(b) Poked his eye.
(c) Scratched his face.
(d) Grabbed his finger and bent it.

5. Where did Hornclaw sleep when she worked for her relatives?
(a) Shed in the yard.
(b) Kitchen.
(c) Pantry.
(d) A room off the kitchen.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 145, how old is a man a prospective client wants targeted because he supposedly preyed on her daughter?

2. Before Deadweight, when would Hornclaw leave windows open or unlocked?

3. How many hwan was Hornclaw given when she left her relatives' house?

4. On page 142, how old is the female client who is speaking with Worryfixer?

5. On page 185, what color armband was Ryu wearing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why could Ryu and Hornclaw not quit their line of work?

2. How did Cho and the baby die?

3. What conversation do Hornclaw and Bullfight have about the old man doing recycling who was killed?

4. How did Ryu die?

5. Why does a client want a man killed on page 145?

6. What work did Hornclaw do at the nightclub?

7. How does Hornclaw make sure Deadweight will be all right if she does not return from a job?

8. Why does Hornclaw have to say that she will not be able to finish her job on page 161?

9. Where is Dr. Kang's father when Hornclaw stops by the shop on page 174?

10. Why does Hornclaw leave her parents' home when she is 12?

(see the answer keys)

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