The Ocean at the End of the Lane Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color is the narrator’s toothbrush?
(a) Green.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Red.
(d) Blue.

2. In Chapter 10, what does the narrator eat for breakfast?
(a) Porridge.
(b) Scones and jam.
(c) Eggs and bacon.
(d) Oatmeal.

3. What does Lettie bring to the narrator in Chapter 13?
(a) Her mother.
(b) The ocean.
(c) Granny.
(d) Food.

4. In Chapter 9, where does the narrator take a bath?
(a) In the living room.
(b) In the kitchen.
(c) In a spare bedroom.
(d) In the bathroom.

5. From where does Lettie seem to come in Chapter 12 as the narrator waits in the fairy ring?
(a) Among the rhododendrons.
(b) The ocean.
(c) Under the beech tree.
(d) The laboratory.

6. What color is the roof of the narrator’s house?
(a) Brown.
(b) Gray.
(c) Black.
(d) Red.

7. What type of animal do the hunger birds grab in Chapter 14?
(a) A wolf.
(b) A weasel.
(c) A fox.
(d) A rabbit.

8. Why can’t the narrator stay in the ocean forever?
(a) He would die.
(b) He would drown eventually.
(c) It would destroy him.
(d) There are creatures that would hurt him.

9. What takes Lettie away in Chapter 14?
(a) Angels.
(b) Hunger birds.
(c) A doctor.
(d) A huge wave.

10. What does the narrator call the things that devour Ursula?
(a) Hunger birds.
(b) Lizards.
(c) Flying dinosaurs.
(d) Flying death.

11. What type of footwear does the narrator wear in Chapter 10?
(a) Sneakers.
(b) Brown oxfords.
(c) Shoes with silver buckles.
(d) Black leather boots.

12. In Chapter 11, where do Lettie and the narrator catch up with Ursula?
(a) By the rose bushes.
(b) Under the beech tree.
(c) At the narrator's laboratory.
(d) By the daffodils.

13. What does the narrator realize when he steps into the ocean in Chapter 13?
(a) That the hole is gone.
(b) That he can swim.
(c) That he knows everything.
(d) That Lettie is gone.

14. What does the narrator have for dessert at the Hempstocks' in Chapter 9?
(a) Apple raisin custard pie.
(b) Peach cobbler.
(c) Lemon meringue pie.
(d) Banana cream pie.

15. What color does Old Mrs. Hempstock emanate when she scolds the hunger birds in Chapter 14?
(a) White.
(b) Silver.
(c) Gold.
(d) Ice.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Hempstocks serve the narrator for dinner in Chapter 9?

2. In Chapter 10, what is the first item that Lettie sets down in the narrator’s yard?

3. What does Lettie look like in the ocean?

4. Where does Old Mrs. Hempstock threaten to bind the hunger birds in Chapter 14?

5. Who is the first person that the narrator sees when he is standing in the circle in Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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