The Nutmeg of Consolation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Nutmeg of Consolation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What must Aubrey do to ensure an English victory?
(a) Wait for the Cornélie to use up her powder.
(b) Stay a long range from the Cornélie.
(c) Have the first strike.
(d) Get quite close to the Cornélie.

2. For whom does Aubrey host a dinner?
(a) The captains of the flotilla and captured French officers.
(b) The Sultan of Imar.
(c) Admiral Leighton and his staff.
(d) The Governor of Madagascar.

3. What type of armament does the Cornélie possess?
(a) Light cannon.
(b) Carronades.
(c) A mixture of heavy, medium and light cannon.
(d) Heavy cannon.

4. What does the Cornélie's captain realize?
(a) That his sails are not in ready position.
(b) That the Nutmeg is disguised.
(c) That his crew is not returning to the ship.
(d) That the Nutmeg is not armed as well as the Cornélie.

5. What does Aubrey realize as he sights land that evening?
(a) He is going to get to the ambush place just on time.
(b) He has misjudged the tide.
(c) He is too far west of his planned ambush.
(d) He doesn't recognize the landmarks.

6. Why is the captain of the Triton offended?
(a) By the Cornélie's captain.
(b) Because Aubrey pronounces his name incorrectly.
(c) By the protocal required at the dinner.
(d) Because Maturin ignores him.

7. What does Aubrey offer to Maturin?
(a) To purchase the Surprise.
(b) To send him back to England to settle his affairs.
(c) To lend him money for his son's schooling.
(d) To split the recent prize money with him.

8. Who is Lieutenant Jean-Pierrre Dumesnil?
(a) A double agent and friend of Maturin.
(b) An acquaintance of Aubrey's.
(c) The commander of the French man-o-war.
(d) The commander of the Triton.

9. What information does the Captain of the Dutch ship provide?
(a) That a cyclone is brewing on their path.
(b) That a large pirate fleet is not far away.
(c) Information about the movements of the Cornélie.
(d) That the Cornélie was sunk by pirates that morning.

10. What does Aubrey do immediately upon resuming his old command?
(a) Has a tour and inspection.
(b) Writes the Admiralty.
(c) Writes his wife.
(d) Promotes Oakes.

11. What does Maturin discover in the hold of the ship?
(a) Rats have gnawed into the chest with the coca leaves.
(b) A stowaway.
(c) A hole that is slowly filling the hold with water.
(d) Oakes drinking whiskey.

12. What happens to Cornélie as the ships exchange gun fire?
(a) It increases speed.
(b) It drops back.
(c) It sustains hull damage.
(d) It brings out a new, longrange gun.

13. What do the girls adopt as pets?
(a) The ship cats.
(b) Two seagulls.
(c) Rats.
(d) An albatross with a broken wing and its baby.

14. Why does the Nutmeg of Consolation sail poorly?
(a) Because the winds are coming out of the northwest.
(b) Because the jib boom is too warped.
(c) In order to give Cornélie the ability to keep up.
(d) Because the topmast stay is broken.

15. What does Aubrey share with Pullings?
(a) His misgivings about the Nutmeg Consolation.
(b) His ideas about the upcoming battle.
(c) His misgivings about Oakes and Miller.
(d) His belief that Pullings should have his own command.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the girls adapt to ship life?

2. What do Martin and Maturin exchange over the next few weeks?

3. What does Maturin diagnose?

4. When will the ambush take place?

5. What happens to Maturin when the coca leaves are all gone?

(see the answer keys)

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