The Norse Myths Test | Final Test - Easy

Kevin Crossley-Holland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Norse Myths Test | Final Test - Easy

Kevin Crossley-Holland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Loki can earn his release if he brings _______ without his magic belt.
(a) Freyr.
(b) Odin.
(c) Balder.
(d) Thor.

2. The dwarf is turned _______ during a particular myth of the book.
(a) Into an elf.
(b) Into a god.
(c) Into stone.
(d) Into a giant.

3. Balder's mother is ________, according to the book.
(a) Heremod.
(b) Frigg.
(c) Nanna.
(d) Kvasir.

4. The seeress reveals that ______ will kill Balder, which begins a chain of events.
(a) Alvis.
(b) Andvari.
(c) Otter.
(d) Hod.

5. Thor is told how to get home but hurls a _______ on his way.
(a) Curse.
(b) Rock.
(c) Spear.
(d) Hammer.

6. Thor demands to know the man's name and he replies that it is ________.
(a) Svipdag.
(b) Hyndla.
(c) Harbard.
(d) Geirrod.

7. Thor attempts to kill the giant with Mjollnir ______ times but with no success.
(a) Ten.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Four.

8. The three men who plot to kill the gods do not include ________.
(a) Loddfafnir.
(b) Fafnir.
(c) Hreidmar.
(d) Regin.

9. While crossing a channel _______ begins to taunt and insult Thor.
(a) A blacksmith.
(b) A carpenter.
(c) A farmer.
(d) The ferryman.

10. Loki is sent to collect ______, according to the book.
(a) Treasure.
(b) Potions.
(c) Magic items.
(d) Weapons.

11. Svipdag is refused entry to a hall by the giant ______, according to the book's content.
(a) Fjolsvid.
(b) Skrymir.
(c) Hymir.
(d) Ymir.

12. Thor agrees to wrestle Utgard-Loki's ________, within a myth of the book.
(a) Mother.
(b) Brother.
(c) Father.
(d) Foster mother.

13. Upon their arrival the giant _______ declares each one must be proved worthy of staying.
(a) Skrymir.
(b) Utgard-Loki.
(c) Ymir.
(d) Mimir.

14. Gefion cuts a great piece of land which she drags into the water and calls _______.
(a) Sweden.
(b) Norway.
(c) Finland.
(d) Zealand.

15. Loki calls Bragi a coward and Idun a ______, according to the book.
(a) Failure.
(b) Idiot.
(c) Sap.
(d) Whore.

Short Answer Questions

1. Odin decides to take his horse ______ and ride to the giant Hrungir.

2. Thor is given ______ to fight Geirrod, according to the book's content.

3. Loki, Odin, and Honir go exploring and find _______ beneath a waterfall.

4. Odin once desired ________ daughter, according to the description in the story.

5. Balder's brother _____ is blind, according to the description in the myth.

(see the answer keys)

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