The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alexander McCall Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alexander McCall Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the final thing she does in this case?
(a) Return the payment she is given.
(b) Offer free services.
(c) Dictate a report and prepare a bill.
(d) Apologize to her client.

2. What confession does Nandira make to Mma Ramotswe?
(a) She has a job.
(b) She has a girlfriend.
(c) She wrote the note her father found.
(d) She has a boyfriend.

3. What does the calf tell the boys?
(a) He is happy to die.
(b) He is the reincarnated spirit of the owner's brother.
(c) He has a secret.
(d) He is going to God.

4. Why is Mr. Patel concerned about his youngest daughter?
(a) Her grades in school are slipping.
(b) She isn't eating well.
(c) She is spending too much time with boys.
(d) She has been coming home after curfew.

5. What possession does Precious return to support her conclusion?
(a) A necklace.
(b) A shoe.
(c) A watch.
(d) A hat.

6. What does Mma Ramotswe see?
(a) Someone outside watching her.
(b) A calf that has run off.
(c) A young boy.
(d) An old woman.

7. What do they discuss as the reason for the kidnapping of the young boy?
(a) Slavery.
(b) Adoption.
(c) Prostitution.
(d) Witchcraft.

8. What does he recommend?
(a) That she change her vocation.
(b) That she settle down.
(c) That she needs a wealthy client.
(d) That she find her husband.

9. What is the outcome of the event Obed witnesses?
(a) He is promoted.
(b) He quits his job.
(c) He is fired.
(d) He is demoted.

10. What did Mma Ramotswe's father do?
(a) He was a lawyer.
(b) He was a physician.
(c) He was a bootlegger.
(d) He was a miner.

11. What is the distinction held by this firm?
(a) It is run by blacks only.
(b) It is the first of its kind.
(c) It is illegal but tolerated.
(d) It is the only female-run one of its kind in the country.

12. Who had she gone there with before?
(a) A friend.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her father's cousin.

13. What memory does she recall from her prior visit?
(a) Her first night with her new husband.
(b) Waking up to stand outside under the stars.
(c) Her mother's voice.
(d) Her father's cousin and her advice about adulthood.

14. What opinion does Mr. Patel have of Mma Ramotswe in the end?
(a) He thinks she is a wise woman.
(b) He thinks she is in the wrong profession.
(c) He believes she is overcharging him.
(d) He is sorry he hired her.

15. Who does she hire?
(a) Mma. Grace Makutsi.
(b) Mma Gail Madici.
(c) Mma Grace Medusti.
(d) Mma Mary Gakutsi.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who invades Happy's life, requiring her to seek Mma Ramotswe's aid?

2. What does she want Precious to do?

3. Where does Mma Ramotswe drive her tiny white van to?

4. What does the cattle owner do?

5. Why are her fellow employees resentful of her?

(see the answer keys)

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