The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What church service do Will and Mary Thoday miss?
(a) A baptismal service.
(b) New Year's Eve service.
(c) The Easter Sunday service.
(d) The early service with Holy Communion.

2. Who confesses to mutilating Jeff Deacon's body and burying it?
(a) Nobby Cranton.
(b) James Thoday.
(c) Mary Thoday.
(d) Will Thoday.

3. To where does Reverend Venables send the parish registers and all the church valuables to protect them from the flood?
(a) The Rectory attic.
(b) The chuch roof.
(c) The church basement.
(d) The top of the church bell tower.

4. What does Reverend Venables ask his parishioners to bring to the church in baskets during the flood?
(a) Coffee and tea.
(b) Loaves of bread and fruits and vegetables.
(c) Medical supplies.
(d) Their cats, rabbits and guinea-pigs.

5. Why does Emily, the Rectory maid, threaten to quit?
(a) She doesn't like Lord Peter staying at the Rectory.
(b) She thinks she's getting paid a less than fair wage.
(c) She thinks the Venables want her to work too many hours.
(d) Bunter yells at her.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does Potty Peake observe Will Thoday's interactions with Jeff Deacon in the church belfry?

2. When Will Thoday realizes the body in Lady Thorpe's grave is Jeff Deacon's, why doesn't he tell anyone?

3. What does Lord Peter reveal as the cause of Jeff Deacon's death?

4. Who asks Lord Peter to warn Fenchurch St. Paul that the sluice gates are giving way?

5. Why do Mary Thoday and Will Thoday leave town?

Short Essay Questions

1. To whom does Lady Wilbraham leave her money when she dies and for what is she trying to atone in how she bequeaths her wealth?

2. What is Jeff Deacon's tie to Arthur Cobbleigh?

3. Why does Will Thoday take a large sum of money out of the bank and then redeposit it?

4. Why does Will Thoday initially believe Deacon has returned to Fenchurch St. Paul and what is the actual reason Deacon has returned?

5. What does the behavior of the villagers during the flood indicate about the closeness of the people and the church's role in their lives?

6. How does Lady Wilbraham respond when her stolen emeralds are found?

7. How does Suzanne Legros react when she is sent a photograph of Arthur Cobbleigh?

8. What aspect of the mystery of Jeff Deacon's death is Lord Peter still unable to solve one year after first becoming involved in the puzzle?

9. How does Will Thoday die, and how does his death redeem his character?

10. How does Lord Peter find the stolen emeralds?

(see the answer keys)

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