The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who finds Nobby Cranton and takes Lord Peter to him?
(a) Bunter.
(b) Mrs. Gates.
(c) Inspector Blundell.
(d) Mrs. Venables.

2. Why does Mrs. Venables think the dead man is married?
(a) His ring finger has a white band of skin where a ring was.
(b) His clothes are neatly mended.
(c) He has a wedding ring in his pocket.
(d) He is middle-aged and most men his age are married.

3. What is Mr. Wilderspin's first name?
(a) Nehemiah.
(b) Peter.
(c) Ezra.
(d) Greg.

4. Who do the Ashtons drive home in a snowstorm after finding him in his car on the side of the road, too ill with influenza to drive further?
(a) Will Thoday.
(b) Reverend Venables.
(c) Mrs. Wilbraham.
(d) Sir Henry Thorpe.

5. Which bell does Hezekiah Lavender ring?
(a) Gaude.
(b) Jericho.
(c) Batty Thomas.
(d) Tailor Paul.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the letter to the mysterious dead man concern?

2. What is James Thoday's profession?

3. What does Hilary Thorpe want to be when she grows up?

4. During the funeral for the dead stranger, about what is Lord Peter puzzling?

5. What name is the letter addressed to instead of the name Bunter expects?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hilary Thorpe send Lord Peter via the mail, and how does Lord Peter think the document fits into the mystery of Jean Legros?

2. Who is Hilary Thorpe and what does she find in the bell-chamber while helping in the church?

3. What similarities are there between Hilary Thorpe and Lord Peter?

4. During the funeral for the unidentified male corpse from Lady Thorpe's grave, what questions does Lord Peter ask himself about the corpse's death?

5. Why is Mrs. Gates unhappy with Mrs. Coppins over a wreath?

6. How does the pseudonym of Paul Taylor for the French letter's recipient reinforce the motif of the church bells?

7. How does a letter for Paul Taylor eliminate Cranton as the corpse from Lady Thorpe's grave?

8. Why do Superintendent Blundell and Lord Peter suspect that the Thoday brothers may have been involved in the death of Jean Legros?

9. What story does Jenkins tell Lord Peter about a stolen emerald necklace?

10. With what important ceremony does Reverend Venables hope to bring in the new year at Fenchurch St. Paul and how does Lord Peter Wimsey assist in the ceremony?

(see the answer keys)

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