The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the person to whom Hilary Thorpe sends the French paper she finds in the church belfry think the writing on the paper is?
(a) A confession.
(b) A musical composition.
(c) A cipher.
(d) A love letter.

2. Why does Reverend Venables seek Lord Peter's help and advice regarding the stranger's corpse?
(a) Lord Peter is visiting.
(b) Lord Peter is known for his amateur sleuthing.
(c) Lord Peter is a policeman by profession.
(d) Lord Peter is known for his discretion.

3. What does the stamp's color indicate about the dead man's letter?
(a) That it was mailed from France.
(b) That it was mailed from Fenchurch St. Paul.
(c) That it was sent from Germany.
(d) That it was sent from a prison.

4. According to Nobby Cranton, who takes the stolen Wilbraham emeralds after the theft?
(a) Stephen Driver.
(b) Arthur Cobbleigh.
(c) Jeff Deacon.
(d) Hezekiah Lavender.

5. Why does Nobby Cranton think the stolen Wilbraham emeralds are somewhere in the town of Fenchurch St. Paul?
(a) Mary Thoday, to whom Deacon gave them, lives in the town.
(b) Deacon broke out of jail to return there to retrieve the jewels.
(c) Deacon told a cell mate in prison they are in the town.
(d) Deacon never left town before his arrest.

6. What bell is rung at Fenchurch St. Paul when people in the parish die?
(a) Sabaoth.
(b) Dimity.
(c) Gaude.
(d) Tailor Paul.

7. What decorative aspect of the church's roof impresses Lord Peter when he first glimpses it?
(a) Golden statues of cherubim and seraphim.
(b) The beautiful stained glass.
(c) The giant gilt cross.
(d) The flowers and ivy growing around the edges of the roof.

8. Why does Jean Legros tell Suzanne he is going to England?
(a) To straighten out some legal troubles.
(b) To dispose of some property and get money for the family.
(c) To divorce her.
(d) To visit a sick friend.

9. Who interviews Mrs. Gates?
(a) Reverend Venables.
(b) Superintendent Blundell.
(c) Lord Peter.
(d) Bunter.

10. Why doesn't Superintendent Blundell think Cranton is Legros' killer?
(a) He believes Cranton has died in a prison break.
(b) Cranton has never killed before.
(c) He believes Cranton is too ill and near death to be a killer.
(d) He believes a woman is the killer.

11. With what London jewel thief does Jeff Deacon steal Mrs. Wilbraham's emeralds?
(a) Jebediah Pratt.
(b) Nobby Cranton.
(c) Carl Jonas.
(d) Stephen Redmond.

12. Where does Lord Peter go to visit Nobby Cranton?
(a) A mental institution.
(b) A hospital.
(c) The police station.
(d) A prison.

13. To whom is Mary Thoday married when Mrs. Wilbraham's emeralds are stolen?
(a) To Potty Peakes.
(b) To Nobby Cranton.
(c) To Hezekiah Lavender.
(d) To Jeff Deacon.

14. What does Rosie Thoday see at Lady Thorpe's grave the night of Lady Thorpe's funeral?
(a) A strange man dressed in black.
(b) A shotgun.
(c) A black dog.
(d) A light she believes is a ghost.

15. How does Jean Legros get his name?
(a) Suzanne names him when he can't recall his real name.
(b) He is named after his grandfather.
(c) He is named after a famous French politician.
(d) He is named after a famous French actor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hilary Thorpe want to be when she grows up?

2. Who does Potty Peake claim to have seen talking in the church with Legros before the man's murder?

3. What does Hilary Thorpe find in the church belfry while helping Mrs. Venables ready the church for the Easter service?

4. What color is Hilary Thorpe's hair?

5. What food does Mrs. Venables serve Lord Peter and Bunter when she first meets them?

(see the answer keys)

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