The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long has Mrs. Gates been working as the Thorpe family housekeeper?
(a) Ten years.
(b) Twenty-five years.
(c) Thirty years.
(d) Fifteen years.

2. What does the person to whom Hilary Thorpe sends the French paper she finds in the church belfry think the writing on the paper is?
(a) A confession.
(b) A musical composition.
(c) A cipher.
(d) A love letter.

3. While talking with Lord Peter after the stranger's funeral, who does Hilary Thorpe suggest might know when her mother's grave was disturbed?
(a) Potty Peakes.
(b) Hezekiah Lavender.
(c) Mrs. Venables.
(d) Mrs. Gates.

4. What is the relationship of Jeff Deacon, the accused thief of the emeralds, to the Thorpe family?
(a) He's their former blacksmith.
(b) He's their former gardener.
(c) He's their former butler.
(d) He's their former chauffeur.

5. What does the letter to the mysterious dead man concern?
(a) It's a letter from a French peasant woman to her husband.
(b) It's a letter about Jeff Deacon's prison escape.
(c) It's a letter about the stolen Wilbraham emeralds.
(d) It's a love letter for Hilary Thorpe.

6. From what illness does Nobby Cranton suffer?
(a) Pneumonia.
(b) Influenza.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Rheumatic fever that affects his heart.

7. The day after Lady Thorpe's funeral, where does Mrs. Gates find her wreath instead of on the grave where it was placed?
(a) On the mantel in the family's home.
(b) In the garbage at the Rectory.
(c) To the side of the grave.
(d) On the church altar for Sunday services.

8. To whom is Mary Thoday married when Mrs. Wilbraham's emeralds are stolen?
(a) To Hezekiah Lavender.
(b) To Potty Peakes.
(c) To Jeff Deacon.
(d) To Nobby Cranton.

9. Why does Mrs. Venables think the dead man is married?
(a) He has a wedding ring in his pocket.
(b) He is middle-aged and most men his age are married.
(c) His clothes are neatly mended.
(d) His ring finger has a white band of skin where a ring was.

10. Which church bell is missing a rope after the murder, a rope likely used to tie up the murder victim prior to his death?
(a) Batty Thomas.
(b) Tailor Paul.
(c) Dimity.
(d) Gaude.

11. Who is the Duke of Denver?
(a) Lady Thorpe's old boyfriend.
(b) Lord Peter's brother.
(c) Hilary Thorpe's guardian.
(d) The parish's richest parishioner.

12. How long is the change-ringing or bell-ringing ceremony that Reverend Venables is planning in the opening chapter scheduled to last?
(a) Four hours.
(b) Half an hour.
(c) Twenty minutes.
(d) Nine hours.

13. To what event does Lord Peter go to find out more about the body found in Lady Thorpe's grave?
(a) A dinner party at the Rectory.
(b) The inquest about the corpse's death.
(c) Sunday morning services at Fenchurch St. Paul.
(d) A meeting of the village council.

14. After the bell ringing ceremony, what news does the Reverend Venables receive about Lady Thorpe?
(a) She has fallen and broken her hip.
(b) She is in a coma after a car accident.
(c) She is dying of influenza.
(d) She is going to give the church a large donation.

15. What bell is rung at Fenchurch St. Paul when people in the parish die?
(a) Dimity.
(b) Gaude.
(c) Sabaoth.
(d) Tailor Paul.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Lord Peter think Will Thoday is the man who buried Legros in Lady Thorpe's grave?

2. Where do Lord Peter and Superintendent Blundell find the missing bell rope?

3. From where does Suzanne Legros initially claim her husband is?

4. What is the weather like in the opening chapter of the book?

5. On what day of the year does the book open?

(see the answer keys)

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