The Night She Disappeared Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Jewell, Lisa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Night She Disappeared Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Jewell, Lisa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Five-Epilogue.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Liam when he and Sophie meet?
(a) 21.
(b) 20.
(c) 23.
(d) 22.

2. In Chapter 14, with whom does Tallulah spend New Year's?
(a) Her brother and Noah.
(b) Zach.
(c) Chloe.
(d) Her mother and Noah.

3. What time did Scarlett say that Zach and Tallulah left Dark Place?
(a) 2:30 a.m.
(b) 4 a.m.
(c) 3 a.m.
(d) 3:30 a.m.

4. In Chapter 58, what does Jos fix Tallulah?
(a) Tea and rum.
(b) Hot chocolate.
(c) Tea.
(d) Coffee.

5. At the end of Chapter 62, where does Jos say they are going?
(a) Falmouth.
(b) Guernsey.
(c) Le Havre.
(d) Cherbourg.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 33, who is Scarlett with when Tallulah bikes over at the end of the chapter?

2. In Chapter 68, what does Tallulah notice about the temperature?

3. What does Kim remember that Joss Jacques was wearing the day she Ryan, and Noah went to Dark Place?

4. What color eye mask does Jos Jacques have on her head in Chapter 56?

5. In Chapter 13, where does Sophie see Kim?

(see the answer key)

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