The Night She Disappeared Character Descriptions

Jewell, Lisa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Night She Disappeared Character Descriptions

Jewell, Lisa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Sophie Beck

This character is the writer of detective novels who moves to Upfield Common when her boyfriend gets at job at a private school.

Tallulah Murray

This character is 19 years old, is going to college, and has a son when she disappears.

Kim Knox

This character is the mother of a son and daughter, and she raises her grandson when her daughter disappears.

Scarlett Jacques

This character is a troubled teen in a wealthy family. She is an artist who manipulates her friends.

Zach Allister

This character is the teenage father of a son. He wants a relationship with his son’s mother, but she is not interested.

Liam Bailey

This character came from a farming background. He was a student at Maypole and now works there as a classroom assistant.

Kerryanne Mulligan

This character is the school matron at Maypole House.

Lexie Mulligan

This character is a...

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