The New York Trilogy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The New York Trilogy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Blue telephone to inform that he will be going undercover?
(a) Walt Whitman.
(b) His mother.
(c) His cousin.
(d) The future Mrs. Blue.

2. What is the name of the bartender with whom Blue has occasional conversations when he slips out to a bar?
(a) Brown.
(b) Gray.
(c) Red.
(d) Violet.

3. What does Blue find when he opens the door to Black's apartment after Black tells him to come in?
(a) Black wearing the Halloween mask, pointing a gun at him.
(b) Black sitting at the table, eating.
(c) Black sitting on the toliet, reading a magazine.
(d) Black sitting at his computer, writing.

4. According to Jane Fanshawe, how did the narrator and Fanshawe compare physically as children?
(a) Fanshawe was much taller than the narrator.
(b) The narrator was much thinner than Fanshawe.
(c) They looked very different.
(d) They looked like brothers, almost twins.

5. When Fanshawe first begins to write, who are his models?
(a) Salinger and Plath.
(b) Whitman and Shelley.
(c) Poe and Stevenson.
(d) Hawthorne and Williams.

Short Answer Questions

1. The images of which two historical figures are inspirational to Blue when he visits the churchyard?

2. Which of Fanshawe's friends from Harvard had his father arranged for Fanshawe's job on an oil tanker?

3. What form of payment does White send to Blue?

4. What words are used to describe Blue's state of mind during the early period of the case?

5. What project does Stuart Green propose the narrator undertake?

Short Essay Questions

1. In The Locked Room, what is Sophie Fanshawe's condition when her husband goes missing? Describe the trajectory of her emotional reaction to his disappearance.

2. About what aspect of Fanshawe's writing do Sophie and Fanshawe disagree? What is the compromise that Fanshawe offers her a few months before his disappearance?

3. When Blue receives his first payment from White, why is he surprised and then disappointed? What was he expecting?

4. What aspects of Fanshawe's background could be considered possible liabilities on the ship? How does his background affect the way in which he is actually treated by his fellow shipmates?

5. When the narrator agrees to Stuart Green's project, what does he decide he will have to be deceitful about? How does this change the work he has been commissioned to do?

6. According to the narrator's recollection, why does Fanshawe give his birthday gift to Dennis Walden? What is the outcome and why is this incident significant for the narrator?

7. Which of Fanshawe's works does the narrator choose to show first to the editor? What is the editor's reaction to the work?

8. What does the narrator learn about Fanshawe through his interviews with Fanshawe's friends and family? What is he looking for that he does not find?

9. What does Blue want to do when he thinks about the future Mrs. Blue? How does this make him realize that he is changing?

10. During their second conversation, what is Black's response when Blue asks him if the man he watches knows he is being watched? How does Black justify his answer?

(see the answer keys)

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