The New Way Things Work Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The New Way Things Work Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Under normal circumstances, what force(s) does a molecule possess?
(a) An attracting force and a repelling force.
(b) The force of electron splitting.
(c) The force to overcome inertia.
(d) The force of energy times matter.

2. What are different level marks for different types of water on the side of a ship called?
(a) Flow marks.
(b) Horizon marks.
(c) Plimsoll lines.
(d) Anchor marks.

3. What occurs when very small atoms smash together?
(a) Nuclear fission.
(b) Nuclear inertia.
(c) Nuclear clarification.
(d) Nuclear fusion.

4. How does floating harness the power obtained by squeezing or stretching molecules?
(a) By squeezing an atom to split the proton and neutron.
(b) By gathering the individual electrons that are released.
(c) By energy "floating" through atomic fields and breaking the bonds to release energy.
(d) Through the form of upthrust.

5. How does a rocket engine power the craft?
(a) By the turning of a propeller.
(b) By the combustion of one propellant.
(c) By nuclear fusion.
(d) By the combustion of two propellants.

6. Where is steam still used?
(a) In water plants.
(b) In thermal power stations.
(c) In some internal combustion engines.
(d) In industrial engines.

7. What is the effort you put in combined with the distance over which the effort is done?
(a) Mendal's law.
(b) Rest.
(c) Gravity.
(d) Work.

8. Upon how many major principles do propellers and rudders work?
(a) Three.
(b) One.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

9. What does one have to understand in order to understand the way things work?
(a) The terms of physics.
(b) The reason something is made.
(c) The function of something.
(d) The underlying principle.

10. What does increasing heat do to molecules?
(a) It increases the movement of molecules.
(b) It makes them break apart.
(c) Nothing.
(d) It slows them down.

11. What do machines that keep something cool do to heat?
(a) Transpose it.
(b) Cause a change in velocity.
(c) Remove it.
(d) Exchange it with cold material.

12. What is the most common form of inclined plane found in machines?
(a) The pully.
(b) The wedge.
(c) The rocker.
(d) The rods.

13. How many forces hold things together?
(a) Three.
(b) One.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

14. What is an example of a second-class lever?
(a) An engine block system.
(b) A crane.
(c) A nutcracker.
(d) A clock.

15. What is any engine that burns fuel inside the engine?
(a) Internal combustion engine.
(b) Steam engine.
(c) Nuclear fusion engine.
(d) Thermodynamic engine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a substance that contains only one type of atom?

2. What is the density of salt water compared to fresh water?

3. What do you have to use in order to accomplish work with half the effort?

4. What controls direction on a ship?

5. What is the principle behind the action of any machine?

(see the answer keys)

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