The Neutronium Alchemist Consolidation Test | Final Test - Hard

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neutronium Alchemist Consolidation Test | Final Test - Hard

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Burley Palace located?

2. When Loren breaks Gerald out of the medical facility, how far ahead of the marines is she?

3. Who is the head of the pediatric department at the Prince Michael Memorial Hospital?

4. At the time of Ralph's meeting with the Princess, what technology does Ralph propose using to liberate Mortonridge?

5. Which was the first Dorado to be settled?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Kiera, what is an indication of Dariat's true instability?

2. How does Syrinx answer when the person waiting for her at the bungalow in Eden asks Syrnix about the past?

3. When the Admiral meets with the doctor at the Confederation Navy Intelligence Service's isolation facility, what has been the Confederation's only notable public success?

4. When Syrinx emerges from the jumbled trees into a glade with a lake, how is the bungalow she sees different from the other bungalows in Eden?

5. According to the Admiral in charge of the Confederation Navy Intelligence Service, what is the Confederation's main concern as the Confederation tries to deal with the possessed incursions?

6. According to what Wing-Tsit tells Syrinx during their eighth meeting, what does Wing-Tsit want Syrinx to do moving forward?

7. What is Al Capone's only requirement for the non-possessed men who will be crewing Capone's new ships?

8. What did the report from Darcy and Lori received by Gilmore indicate that Gilmore is currently researching?

9. Why does Endron suggest that Louise, Genevieve, and Fletcher register at the new destination as refugees?

10. At the beginning of Chapter 9, why does Nicolai want to meet with Capone?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

While Louise Kavanaugh waits for her father to return from Boston, she is pregnant with Joshua Calvert's child. When her father returns from Boston and allows possessed to overtake their estate, Louise and her sister first flee their estate, and then flee Norfolk. Describe the situation that Louise finds herself in, as well as how being pregnant with Joshua's child affects her relationships and her worldview. What does Louise learn from her struggles with the possessed that help her deal with her pregnancy?

Essay Topic 2

Antimatter is a major component of the Alchemist. Not only is Dr. Mzu after antimatter, but so is Al Capone. Describe antimatter. What is it? How is it produced? What are its effects? How it is obtained? Why is Capone determined to control the supply of antimatter?

Essay Topic 3

The author uses several different literary techniques as the story is told in regard to the story's flow. Describe the techniques of both flashbacks and foreshadowing. How are each of these techniques used in the story? Give specific examples of each technique. Why might Hamilton have chosen to use both of these techniques in the story? Was the story enhanced by the use of these two techniques?

(see the answer keys)

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