The Neutronium Alchemist Consolidation Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neutronium Alchemist Consolidation Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Dariat, what do the souls possessing the hellhawks ultimately want?
(a) Antimatter.
(b) Human bodies.
(c) Loyalty.
(d) Power.

2. What is the only thing people are aware of when placed in zero-tau?
(a) Love.
(b) Pain.
(c) Time.
(d) Truth.

3. According to the conversation that takes place at the bungalow in Eden, how old is Syrinx?
(a) 27 years old.
(b) 19 years old.
(c) 17 years old.
(d) 22 years old.

4. Why does Joshua sell Lady Mac's sensor recordings?
(a) For money.
(b) For prestige.
(c) For revenge.
(d) For honor.

5. When Ione and Joshua are together in Tranquility, Ione believes Joshua lives for ____________.
(a) Ione.
(b) Louise.
(c) Flying.
(d) Adventure.

6. When the reporter in the editing suite starts getting snippy with the senior news editor, the editor threatens to replace the reporter with _________________.
(a) Kirstie McShane.
(b) Kate Elvin.
(c) Antonio Whitelocke.
(d) Kelly Tirrel.

7. Who suggests to the captain that the Far Realm fly in pursuit of the ship that left the communications net?
(a) Bennett.
(b) Genevieve.
(c) Fletcher.
(d) Louise.

8. When Syrinx awakens from her therapy session, whose face is the first one she sees?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her sister.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her doctor.

9. Who is the head of the pediatric department at the Prince Michael Memorial Hospital?
(a) Dr. Giddings.
(b) Dr. Ash.
(c) Dr. Mzu.
(d) Dr. Levine.

10. Who is the head of Collin's Tranquility office?
(a) Kelly Tirrel.
(b) Kirstie McShane.
(c) Antonio Whitelocke.
(d) Kate Elvin.

11. According to the conversation that takes place at the bungalow in Eden, when did the person waiting for Syrinx die?
(a) 2514.
(b) 2286.
(c) 2090.
(d) 2348.

12. To whom does Joshua sell Lady Mac's sensor recordings?
(a) Eden.
(b) Capone.
(c) Collins.
(d) Ione.

13. Who replaces Ross Nash as Kiera's deputy?
(a) Emmet.
(b) Silvano.
(c) Stanyon.
(d) Mickey.

14. For how long has Dariat been working on his plan to destroy Rubra?
(a) Thirteen years.
(b) Three years.
(c) Thirty years.
(d) Twenty-three years.

15. When Syrinx and Wing-Tsit talk for the eighth time, what does Wing-Tsit tell Syrinx that she is?
(a) An explorer.
(b) A revealer.
(c) A transient.
(d) A tourist.

Short Answer Questions

1. As a result of the civil and commercial starflight quarantine, who is facing having to lay off staff in all seventeen of his company's foundry stations?

2. How does the admiral in charge of the Confederation Navy Intelligence Service characterize the Confederation's only notable public success against the possessed incursions?

3. When Syrinx names the owl at the bungalow in Eden, what location rushes towards her?

4. According to Wing-Tsit, what is the great unknown?

5. When the passenger aboard the Samaku asks to speak with Ayacucho's traffic control office about being denied access to dock, the passenger speaks with _____________.

(see the answer keys)

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