The Neutronium Alchemist Consolidation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neutronium Alchemist Consolidation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The stranger, who rescues Al, is originally from ____________.
(a) Mars.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Tennessee.
(d) Saturn.

2. Who is the person assigned to airport duty who informs Jezzibella that her flight has been rescheduled?
(a) Gerald Skibbow.
(b) Isaac Goddard.
(c) Les Munchen.
(d) Leo Ruggario.

3. After fleeing from the manor, to whose house do the Kavanaugh girls flee?
(a) Aunt Christine.
(b) Aunt Daphne.
(c) Aunt Sarah.
(d) Aunt Renee.

4. According to Sarha Mitcham, how many people will need to remain aboard the space plane when it docks?
(a) Five.
(b) Ten.
(c) Eight.
(d) Two.

5. Who is the director of the Ombey's ESA office?
(a) Lawrence Dillon.
(b) Roche Skark.
(c) Quinn Dexter.
(d) Gerald Skibbow.

6. Where is the insurrection that Louise's father is trying to quell?
(a) Merrillville.
(b) New York.
(c) Boston.
(d) Langston.

7. On the way to the aerodome, what does Carmitha emerge from her caravan holding?
(a) A shotgun.
(b) A purse.
(c) A sword.
(d) A map.

8. According to what he tells Louise on the plane, what is Titreano's real name?
(a) Duggan.
(b) Ivan.
(c) Fletcher.
(d) Al.

9. When it emerges from a wormhole, what planet is Oenone above?
(a) Jupiter.
(b) Earth.
(c) Saturn.
(d) Mars.

10. In whose apartment had Dariat's corpse been found?
(a) Marie Skibbow.
(b) Anders Bosport.
(c) Alicia Cochrane.
(d) Manza Balyuzi.

11. Who reluctantly agrees to fly the Kavanaugh party off of the planet?
(a) Duggan.
(b) Felicia.
(c) Ivan.
(d) Tammy.

12. What injured passenger is being transported on Oenone?
(a) Wing-Tsit.
(b) Syrinx.
(c) Laton.
(d) Kiera.

13. According to the pilot's theory, how much reaction mass will be in the tanks when the overloaded space plane reaches escape velocity as it ascends through Lalonde's atmosphere?
(a) Seven kilos.
(b) Three kilos.
(c) Nine kilos.
(d) Five kilos.

14. Which planet is the economic heart of Edenism?
(a) Saturn.
(b) Earth.
(c) Jupiter.
(d) Mars.

15. What is in the backpack of the person who emerges from the wormhole?
(a) Antimatter.
(b) Maps.
(c) Money.
(d) Drugs.

Short Answer Questions

1. When two people object to Al Capone's plan for turning more bodies over for possession, what appears in Al's hand?

2. When the door to their mother's boudoir opens, what is the noticeable difference in appearance of the figure in the doorway?

3. When Capone is on Monterey, in how many days does Capone believe that the Organization will have absolute control of the planet?

4. When Capone is on Monterey, how many possessed are now on New California?

5. How many of New California's navy ships are on permanent assignment to the Confederation Navy fleets?

(see the answer keys)

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