The Netanyahus Test | Final Test - Easy

Joshua Cohen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Netanyahus Test | Final Test - Easy

Joshua Cohen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 7, when did Ruben notice he had not shaved?
(a) Day after Judy came home from the hospital.
(b) New Year's Day.
(c) College Christmas party.
(d) Christmas Day.

2. How does 1960 begin?
(a) Mild.
(b) Sunny.
(c) Snowy.
(d) Cold.

3. By January 20, how much snow had fallen?
(a) A foot.
(b) 5 inches.
(c) Half a foot.
(d) 9 inches.

4. In Chapter 10, what was the annual salary of the job Netanyahu was being interviewed for?
(a) $4,900.
(b) $5,700.
(c) $4,750.
(d) $5,300.

5. When did Judy go back to high school in Chapter 8?
(a) January 4.
(b) January 5.
(c) January 6.
(d) January 7.

6. How long was the trip supposed to take from New York City to Corbindale?
(a) 8 hours.
(b) 5 hours.
(c) 10 plus hours.
(d) Just over 12 hours.

7. When did Corbin College resume classes after the winter break?
(a) January 18.
(b) January 21.
(c) January 19.
(d) January 20.

8. Who fought over the area that Netanyahu's field of study encompassed?
(a) English and French.
(b) Spanish and Portuguese.
(c) Christian and Muslims.
(d) Jews and Christians.

9. In Chapter 6, what was the subject Judy was working on for her college essays?
(a) Bais.
(b) Prejudice.
(c) Justice.
(d) Fairness.

10. What color lipstick did Judy wear at the end of Chapter 7?
(a) Red-orange.
(b) Peach.
(c) Rose.
(d) Crimson.

11. In Chapter 6, how long did it take to eat dinner after Ruben's parents arrived?
(a) About 40 minutes.
(b) 45 minutes.
(c) Not quiet an hour.
(d) 30 minutes.

12. How old were the Netanyahu boys in 1960?
(a) 16, 12, and 10.
(b) 13, 10, and 7.
(c) 14, 9, and 4.
(d) 15, 11, and 9.

13. When did Judy's friends come over in Chapter 7?
(a) January 2.
(b) December 28.
(c) New Year's Eve.
(d) New Year's Day.

14. In Chapter 7, where was Ruben to drop Judy off at the same time he took his parents to the station?
(a) Hockey game.
(b) Ice skating.
(c) Skiing.
(d) Sleigh-ride excursion.

15. What holiday did Alter and Henya decide to spend with Ruben and his family in Chapter 6?
(a) Shabbat.
(b) Christmas.
(c) Rosh Chodesh.
(d) Thanksgiving.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 7, what color dress did Judy wear to a dance-formal?

2. When were Alter's parents killed during a pogram?

3. What was the house number on the Blum's house in 1960?

4. How old was Netanyahu in 1960?

5. About how many years did Netanyahu's field of study encompass?

(see the answer keys)

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