The Neon Bible Test | Final Test - Medium

John Kennedy Toole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neon Bible Test | Final Test - Medium

John Kennedy Toole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long after Jo Lynne first comes in the store does it take before David talks to her?
(a) A month.
(b) A week.
(c) Two months.
(d) Two days.

2. What does David ask Jo Lynne before she leaves town?
(a) If she will marry him.
(b) If she loves him.
(c) If she will go out with him one more time.
(d) If she will help him take care of his mother.

3. What does Jo Lynne say when David invites her to a movie?
(a) She accepts immediately.
(b) She doesn't say anything.
(c) She says she has to ask her mother first.
(d) She says she has to think about it.

4. Where do David and Jo Lynne end up going after the movie in "Chapter 7"?
(a) Where new houses are being built.
(b) To a closed carnival.
(c) To the river.
(d) To the factory grounds.

5. How is David described in "Chapter 10"?
(a) Alone.
(b) Renewed.
(c) Hopeful.
(d) Tired.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is David's father's grave marked?

2. When will David get off his train in "Chapter 10"?

3. When David can't find his mother in "Chapter 9," where is the first place he goes?

4. What makes David's eighth grade graduation important?

5. Why does Aunt Mae leave for Nashville?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Aunt Mae home more in "Chapter 8"?

2. In "Chapter 8," how do David's former classmates affect him?

3. Why does David want to bury his mother by himself?

4. What happens when the war ends in "Chapter 6"?

5. How much time passes between "Chapter 9" and "Chapter 10"?

6. How does David leave town after his mother dies?

7. How does Aunt Mae help make David's graduation night special?

8. What job does David obtain in "Chapter 7"?

9. How does David meet Jo Lynne?

10. Why do David and the conductor form a relationship in "Chapter 10"?

(see the answer keys)

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