The Neon Bible Test | Final Test - Easy

John Kennedy Toole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neon Bible Test | Final Test - Easy

John Kennedy Toole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jo Lynne do before leaving David for good?
(a) Slaps him.
(b) Agrees to stay in touch.
(c) Begins to cry.
(d) Laughs at him.

2. Where does David find the gun he grabs in "Chapter 9"?
(a) The back porch.
(b) Under his bed.
(c) The kitchen.
(d) His father's room.

3. At the end of "Chapter 10," who does David consider turning to for help?
(a) Clyde.
(b) No one.
(c) Aunt Mae.
(d) The train conductor.

4. In "Chapter 10," how does David describe the distance he traveled?
(a) Far.
(b) Troublesome.
(c) Quick.
(d) Meandering.

5. What makes David happy during the movie he sees with Jo Lynne in "Chapter 7"?
(a) The movie is good.
(b) Jo Lynne holds his hand.
(c) No one else is in the theater.
(d) The tickets were cheap.

6. What assumption does David make about his future in "Chapter 10"?
(a) That he'll go back to the hills.
(b) That he'll find love.
(c) That he'll be fine.
(d) That he's in trouble.

7. How many shots does David fire at the preacher?
(a) Four shots.
(b) One shot.
(c) Three shots.
(d) Two shots.

8. Why does Aunt Mae leave for Nashville?
(a) For a change.
(b) To start a music career.
(c) To marry Clyde.
(d) To get fresh air.

9. What does Aunt Mae agree to do the night of David's date in "Chapter 7"?
(a) Talk to Jo Lynne.
(b) Stay home with his mother.
(c) Drive him.
(d) Give him advice.

10. What does Aunt Mae skip to help David with his date in "Chapter 7"?
(a) Her nap.
(b) A date of her own.
(c) A night class.
(d) A singing gig.

11. Why does David run to the train room after shooting the preacher?
(a) He needs a break.
(b) He wants to hide.
(c) He wants to hide the gun.
(d) He wants to grab the train.

12. When David can't find his mother in "Chapter 9," where is the first place he goes?
(a) Upstairs.
(b) In the backyard.
(c) In the kitchen.
(d) Downstairs.

13. How does David feel when the preacher starts climbing the stairs in his house in "Chapter 9"?
(a) Pleased.
(b) Angry.
(c) Confused.
(d) Nervous.

14. What does David's mother do at the end of "Chapter 6"?
(a) Watches TV.
(b) Reads a book.
(c) Goes to sleep.
(d) Looks at a picture.

15. How long does David ride on the train in "Chapter 10"?
(a) Half a day.
(b) A week.
(c) Two hours.
(d) The entire night.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Flora tell Aunt Mae about David's mother in "Chapter 6"?

2. How old is David in "Chapter 10"?

3. What does David decide to do about taking his mother to an institution in "Chapter 8"?

4. In "Chapter 7," what does David say is the worst part of his job at the drugstore?

5. After digging his mother's grave, what does David instinctively know?

(see the answer keys)

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