The Neon Bible Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Kennedy Toole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neon Bible Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Kennedy Toole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Aunt Mae go to the movie theater on Saturdays?
(a) To play music.
(b) To see the latest movie.
(c) For her new job.
(d) To meet men.

2. In "Chapter 1," what does David say lights up the night during his train ride?
(a) Stars.
(b) Signs.
(c) Cars' headlights.
(d) People.

3. What is the first thing David thinks of when he hears his father died?
(a) His plot of land.
(b) His fight with David's mother.
(c) His face.
(d) The train.

4. What does David think is strange about the room Mrs. Watkins takes him to in "Chapter 3"?
(a) The door doesn't lock.
(b) It is missing a window pane.
(c) It is full of junk.
(d) The lights won't turn on.

5. In "Chapter 4," what is Aunt Mae promoted to at work?
(a) Manager.
(b) Field operator.
(c) CEO.
(d) Supervisor.

6. In "Chapter 3," what leftovers does David find in his lunch?
(a) Beans.
(b) Fish.
(c) Hush puppies.
(d) Eggs.

7. How does David's mother fall down the stairs in "Chapter 2"?
(a) She falls while sleepwalking.
(b) David's father knocks her down.
(c) Aunt Mae shoves her.
(d) She trips on her way up.

8. How does David's mother learn that David's father died in the war?
(a) A phone call.
(b) A visit from his superior.
(c) A telegram.
(d) A letter.

9. Why does David say it was strange for Aunt Mae to become his best friend?
(a) Because he rarely saw her.
(b) Because she was hard to know.
(c) Because he was afraid of her.
(d) Because they were different.

10. In "Chapter 2," why doesn't David's mother see a doctor when she needs one?
(a) Because she falls asleep.
(b) Because she is afraid.
(c) Because she doesn't have money.
(d) Because Aunt Mae helps her instead.

11. Why does David think about the beach when he learns his father died?
(a) Because they wanted to visit there.
(b) Because he was going to go there that weekend.
(c) Because he's trying to think of something else.
(d) Because of his fond memories there.

12. In "Chapter 3," what does Aunt Mae make for breakfast?
(a) Ham and biscuits.
(b) Eggs and bacon.
(c) Biscuits and eggs.
(d) Cereal and oatmeal.

13. Why does David say he likes the porch on his new house in "Chapter 2"?
(a) He is allowed out there alone.
(b) He can see the country.
(c) It is breezy.
(d) Someone carved sayings into the boards.

14. What does Aunt Mae pack David's lunches in?
(a) Her old purse.
(b) Brown bags.
(c) Plastic bags.
(d) Newspaper.

15. What does David say happened to him when Bruce and his friends found him crying?
(a) They tossed him in the river.
(b) They told his dad.
(c) They beat him up.
(d) They took him home.

Short Answer Questions

1. When David sees his father off at the train station in "Chapter 4," what strikes him most?

2. What does the band that plays at the factory party do when the war is over?

3. Why does Mrs. Watkins use her husband as a threat against her students?

4. Why does David say Aunt Mae wanted him to stay home from school one more year when he was five?

5. What is David's response in "Chapter 2" after learning his father wants him to help with the crops?

(see the answer keys)

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