The Namesake Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Namesake Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Moushumi tell friends her name means?
(a) A jewel of great price.
(b) A damp, southwesterly breeze.
(c) A woman of mystery and night.
(d) A dark-haired beauty.

2. What catches Moushumi's eye as she goes through Alice's desk?
(a) A list of applicants Alice didn't finish going through.
(b) A sender's name typed on the upper left corner of a letter.
(c) A schedule for Moushumi's classes.
(d) A confused and confusing personal letter to Alices' husband.

3. What fact delights Moushumi as she begins her eighth semester at NYU?
(a) She prefers her classmates over everyone else she'd ever met.
(b) She's at the top of her class.
(c) She will never again in her life take a class.
(d) She's welcomed back by everyone she meets.

4. What does Gogol do as soon as he gets the news of his father's death?
(a) He flies to Ohio to take care of things.
(b) He rushes home to comfort his mother.
(c) He tells Sonia he can't get away and asks her to take care of things.
(d) He tries and fails to get time off from work.

5. What does Gogol get Moushumi as a Christmas gift?
(a) An expensive silk scarf she's admired.
(b) A weekend at a spa.
(c) A set of encyclopedias.
(d) Plane tickets.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Ratliff's move to New Hampshire every year remind Gogol of?

2. What kind of daily routine do Gogol and Maxine follow at the summer home in New Hampshire?

3. What does Gogol ask Moushumi at the end of their first date?

4. How do Gogol and Moushumi dress for their wedding reception?

5. What does Ashima do before Christmas while Ashoke is in Ohio?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the Ratliffs do for Gogol in New Hampshire?

2. What do Gogol and Moushumi decide to do with the money they receive as wedding presents?

3. How does Gogol finally learn about his father's death?

4. What does Moushumi do while married to Gogol and feeling discontented with life?

5. What happens when Gogol takes Maxine to meet his family?

6. Why does Gogol agree to visit his family when he'd rather go to New Hampshire with Maxine's family?

7. What does Moushumi reveal about her past that she finds humiliating?

8. How does Gogol feel about Maxine's family?

9. What happens the day after Gogol meets a girl named Maxine?

10. Why does Ashima not fight her childrens' desires to live far away?

(see the answer keys)

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