The Namesake Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Namesake Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why isn't Ashima alarmed when Ashoke calls her in the evening when he is sick?
(a) She doesn't expect it to be him, they seldom call each other.
(b) They talk every evening by phone so she expects it.
(c) She expects it to be Sonia, they talk often.
(d) She is used to surprises.

2. What do Moushumi and Gogol do during their free time after they are husband and wife?
(a) They take night classes to keep their licenses current.
(b) They shop for items for their apartment.
(c) They spend time at the beach with their friends.
(d) They visit their families.

3. What happened to Gogol's relationship with Maxine after his father died?
(a) They became bored with each other and separated.
(b) Their relationship grew stronger.
(c) They each began seeing other people.
(d) He stepped out of her life after many arguments.

4. What does the Ratliff's move to New Hampshire every year remind Gogol of?
(a) A well-organized military campaign.
(b) His family's preparations for a trip to Calcutta.
(c) A three-ring circus.
(d) A couple of kids sneaking away for a picnic.

5. What does Dimitri's neighborhood remind Moushumi of?
(a) Paris.
(b) The home she will return to in an hour or so.
(c) Home.
(d) The world she's always wanted and never had.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who or what does Gogol fall in love with when he falls in love with Maxine?

2. What does a waiter think when he sees Gogol and Moushumi together?

3. What happened to one of the administrative assistants at NYU?

4. How did Moushumi's engagement end?

5. How has Dimitri changed since Moushumi first met him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens the day after Gogol meets a girl named Maxine?

2. Why doesn't Gogol know immediately of his father's death?

3. What happens to change a friendly evening into an intimate encounter between Mushumi and Gogol?

4. How do Gogol and Mushumi react to one another after all this time?

5. Do Gogol and Mushumi marry immediately after meeting?

6. Why does Gogol agree to visit his family when he'd rather go to New Hampshire with Maxine's family?

7. What do the Ratliffs do for Gogol in New Hampshire?

8. What happens when Gogol takes Maxine to meet his family?

9. What do Moushumi and Dimitri do when they meet?

10. When bothers Gogol after he and Moushumi return to New York after a trip to Paris?

(see the answer keys)

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