The Namesake Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Namesake Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the Ganguli children help their mother after their father's death?
(a) Gogol hates returning home, but Sonia makes up for his lack.
(b) Sonia isn't able to help but Gogol helps a lot.
(c) Sonia moves in with her while Gogol visits often.
(d) They work out a schedule and each takes turns helping her.

2. What does Moushumi do with Dimitri's resume?
(a) She tears it into a hundred tiny pieces.
(b) She takes it home to show Gogol.
(c) She makes a Xerox copy of it.
(d) She gives it to a professor with a strong recommendation.

3. How did Moushumi's engagement end?
(a) An old girlfriend of Graham's showed up and he left with her.
(b) She needed her freedom and broke it off.
(c) Moushumi's parents didn't approve so she ended it.
(d) She overheard him criticizing her Indian heritage.

4. How had Moushumi become engaged before meeting Gogol?
(a) Graham had gotten on his knees and proposed just like in the movies.
(b) Her parents arranged the marriage.
(c) She'd asked her lover to marry her and he'd accepted.
(d) They'd realized they couldn't continue on as they were doing and just decided to marry.

5. Where did Moushumi live while growing up?
(a) In India and America.
(b) They traveled the world during her childhood.
(c) They always lived in America.
(d) In England and America.

6. What do Moushumi and Gogol do during their free time after they are husband and wife?
(a) They visit their families.
(b) They spend time at the beach with their friends.
(c) They shop for items for their apartment.
(d) They take night classes to keep their licenses current.

7. What had Moushumi's family done to find her a husband?
(a) Brought young Bengali men home to visit.
(b) Sought the help of a marriage broker.
(c) Asked their friends for names of suitable young men.
(d) Nothing, they figured she would find someone eventually.

8. Why can't Ashima get hold of Gogol to tell him of his father's death?
(a) Maxine doesn't like Gogol talking to his family, so he doesn't.
(b) Gogol is out of town and no one knows where he is.
(c) Gogol doesn't return his mother's phone calls.
(d) The phone lines are down.

9. What does Gogol do as soon as he gets the news of his father's death?
(a) He flies to Ohio to take care of things.
(b) He rushes home to comfort his mother.
(c) He tells Sonia he can't get away and asks her to take care of things.
(d) He tries and fails to get time off from work.

10. How is the Ratliff's house in New Hampshire different from the one in New York City?
(a) It's a typical summer home with no personality at all.
(b) It's the complete opposite, dark, musty and full of primitive furniture.
(c) The windows are always open, unlike in New York City.
(d) It's not, it's very similar, showing their taste in every piece of furniture.

11. What kind of part-time job does Ashima get in chapter 7?
(a) She works behind the counter at a nearby fast food place.
(b) She helps out at the library.
(c) She works for a home decorator as a consultant.
(d) She works as a translator.

12. What does Ashima do before Christmas while Ashoke is in Ohio?
(a) She makes her own Christmas cards.
(b) She gets to know her neighbors better.
(c) She hires a maid just to have someone around.
(d) She sits in the dark and misses her husband.

13. Why does Ashima make her own Christmas cards?
(a) It's an idea she got from the book section of the library.
(b) She figures she'll save money this way.
(c) It's a project for a club she belongs to.
(d) She likes the idea of putting her own personality into them.

14. Who wants to introduce Gogol to a girl he used to know as a child?
(a) His sister Sonia.
(b) His mother Ashima.
(c) His coworkers who met her recently at a party.
(d) A neighbor who knew them both as a child.

15. Who does Ashima try to contact first after learning of Ashoke's death?
(a) Sonia.
(b) Maxine.
(c) Her family in India.
(d) Gogol.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gogol ask Moushumi at the end of their first date?

2. What does Maxine tell Gogol he should do while at his mother's house for the religious ceremony?

3. What does the Ratliff's move to New Hampshire every year remind Gogol of?

4. What kind of daily routine do Gogol and Maxine follow at the summer home in New Hampshire?

5. Where do Moushumi and Dimitri first meet for lunch?

(see the answer keys)

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