The Namesake Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Namesake Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Gogol and his friends celebrate his fourteenth birthday party?
(a) They got to a baseball game and have pizza afterwards.
(b) They have pizzas and watched a baseball game on TV.
(c) They go swimming at a nearby pool.
(d) They go to a pizza parlor where they play video games.

2. What does Gogol's father say after giving him a special gift for his fourteenth birthday?
(a) Nothing because he sees Gogol has ignored similar gifts.
(b) He hopes Gogol uses it wisely.
(c) He hopes Gogol likes it because it was rather expensive.
(d) He hopes Gogol doesn't forget his Indian heritage.

3. Who else visits the baby Gogol in the hospital?
(a) Ashoke's fellow students from college.
(b) No one, they don't know anyone in America yet.
(c) Neighbors of the Gangulis.
(d) A couple the Gangulis met and a professor friend of Ashoke.

4. On the plane, why is Gogol happy to sit apart from his parents?
(a) He's glad because Sonia irritates him with her questions.
(b) Because he thinks no one will know they are related to him.
(c) Because he enjoys being on his own.
(d) He isn't happy, he's secretly afraid.

5. What did Ashoke do after the train wreck when he had nightmares at night and couldn't sleep?
(a) He paced and talked himself into a calm state.
(b) He drank until he could sleep again.
(c) He went looking for people to be with.
(d) He read books about other countries.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Gogol want to go to school when he begins Kindergarten?

2. What does Ashima tell Ashoke as soon as they bring their baby home?

3. What does the Ganguli family do in the beginning of their life in their new home, in the evenings?

4. As Ashoke waits while Ashima gives birth, who does he thank for his survival and this miracle of new life about to begin?

5. What does the man who lends Ashoke the book on the train tell him that he should do?

(see the answer key)

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