The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jill Lepore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jill Lepore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Three, Bondage, Chapter 5, Come Go Along with Us.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did the Pequot War begin?
(a) 1654.
(b) 1615.
(c) 1662.
(d) 1634.

2. Where was William Hubbard born?
(a) Philadelphia, PA.
(b) New Brunswick, Canada.
(c) New York, NY.
(d) England.

3. When was Mary Rowlandson born?
(a) 1568.
(b) 1648.
(c) 1642.
(d) 1637.

4. When the Puritans came to America, the Algonquians were thought to be what?
(a) Nomads.
(b) Angels.
(c) Civilized.
(d) Literate.

5. When was Increase Mather born?
(a) 1639.
(b) 1616.
(c) 1612.
(d) 1642.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word means "shaman" in the language of the Narragansett?

2. How many mills in Medfield, Massachusetts, were destroyed by Native Americans during King Philip's War in 1675?

3. What is a Protestant theological system and an approach to the Christian life and was advanced by several theologians such as Martin Bucer, Heinrich Bullinger, Peter Martyr Vermigli, and Huldrych Zwingli?

4. When did Mary Rowlandson die?

5. When did Hugo Grotius die?

(see the answer key)

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