The Naked Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Dr. Delmarre working on in order to eliminate marriage?
(a) A civil agreement.
(b) A way to have women create through parthenogenesis.
(c) In vitro fertilization.
(d) Nothing; he strongly believed in marriage.

2. What does Baley demand of Attlebish?
(a) Papers allowing him to conduct the investigation in person.
(b) That he resign from the case.
(c) That he go with Baley to the victim's home.
(d) That he agree to the original termsn

3. At what does Klorissa laugh?
(a) The thought that robots could feel.
(b) The idea that she would kill Dr. Delmarre.
(c) A joke Baley tells.
(d) The idea of people living face to face.

4. What does Baley talk with Gladia concerning Gruer?
(a) If he knows who attempted to murder him.
(b) If he is capable of murder.
(c) Why he allowed an unknownd human in his home.
(d) Who could have poisoned him.

5. What does Gladia believe about marriage?
(a) That it is an outdated institution.
(b) That it should only be necessary if one wants offspring.
(c) That it is nasty but necessary.
(d) That it is wonderful if you find the right person.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gruer say in response to Gladia's statement about Gruer?

2. How does Gladia treat Baley when he goes to her home?

3. What does Gladia say about Jothan Leebig?

4. What does Attlebish tell Baley and Olivaw to do?

5. What does it prove if you can go your whole life on Solaria without encountering another human?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is the first person Baley interviews and how does the person respond to Baley being there in person?

2. How does Elijah trick R. Daneel so Elijah can go off by himself to do his investigating?

3. Describe Jothan Leebig.

4. What does Leebig say about the first law of robotics?

5. Describe R. Daneel Steel.

6. How does Gladia respond to seeing Baley in person and what does she tell him?

7. What does Leebig say about the Delmarres?

8. What does Anselmo suddenly do as Baley is speaking with him?

9. How does Klorissa feel about her job at the fetal farm?

10. Describe the incident with the arrow that is shot at Baley.

(see the answer keys)

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