The Naked Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Leebig, how could one get a robot to discipline a child?
(a) By enhancing the 2nd law of robotics.
(b) By weakening the first law programed into the robot.
(c) By enhancing the 3rd law of robotics.
(d) By erasing the first law programed into the robot.

2. What is the arrow like?
(a) It is poisoned.
(b) It is not described.
(c) It is more a dart than an arrow.
(d) It is an ancient design.

3. What does Attlebish tell Baley and Olivaw to do?
(a) Leave Solaria.
(b) Come to his office in person.
(c) Leave Gladia alone.
(d) Go to Gladia's home.

4. What does Daneel say about Aurora's attitude towards Solaria?
(a) They do not understand the Solarians.
(b) They feel superior to Solaria.
(c) They feel inferior to Solaria.
(d) They have been worried about Solaria.

5. Where is Baley at the opening to chapter 15?
(a) Arriving at Gladia Delmarre's home.
(b) In the Spaceport.
(c) Talking to Klorissa at a restaurant.
(d) Discussing the case with Daneel at their motel room.

6. What does Baley believe about the first law of robotics?
(a) That it helps maintain precedence.
(b) It has been deliberately misquoted in order to hide the fact that robots can commit murder.
(c) That it is a big mistake.
(d) That it is inviolate.

7. What does Gladia say she would have remembered if she had done?
(a) Taken her son to the park on the day her husband is killed.
(b) Written a note to her husband.
(c) Killed her husband.
(d) Seen her lawyer the day before her husband is killed.

8. What does Baley demand of Attlebish?
(a) Papers allowing him to conduct the investigation in person.
(b) That he resign from the case.
(c) That he agree to the original termsn
(d) That he go with Baley to the victim's home.

9. What does Baley question concerning Daneel?
(a) If he is who he says he is.
(b) If he still considers Baley a friend.
(c) If he will protect Baley.
(d) If he is doing something undercover for Aurora.

10. What does Anselmo say is unbearable?
(a) The open sky.
(b) That Baley has so much to learn and Anselmo does not have the time to teach him.
(c) The thought of breathing the same air as Baley.
(d) The fact that a murder has been committed on Solaria.

11. What does Leebig say the distrust of robots is?
(a) Understandable.
(b) Wise.
(c) Mistaken.
(d) A human disease.

12. Why is Baley worn out?
(a) He did his weekly exercises.
(b) From talking to uncooperative people all day.
(c) From being in the open all day.
(d) No reason.

13. What does Attlebish say about Gruer?
(a) That he was about to be charged with embezzelment.
(b) That it is impossible that he was poisoned.
(c) That he was about to be charged with blackmail.
(d) That he was in line for election as the President of Solaria.

14. What does Gladia say which contradicts what Leebig says?
(a) That her husband did not have a mistress.
(b) That her husband was not involved in robot design.
(c) That her husband did not know Leebig.
(d) That no robots were present when her husband is killed.

15. Of what does Baley accuse Attlebish?
(a) Accessory after the fact.
(b) Being afraid of being next after Gruer.
(c) Incompetence.
(d) Murder.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of models has Leebig been working on?

2. From what does Solaria differ?

3. What shocks Klorissa?

4. How does Leebig react to a call from Baley?

5. How does Baley keep Leebig from hanging up the viewer?

(see the answer keys)

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