The Murmur of Bees Test | Final Test - Medium

Sofía Segovia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Murmur of Bees Test | Final Test - Medium

Sofía Segovia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 94, when did Simonopio take Nana Reja's rocker to their new home?
(a) A week before they left.
(b) The day they left.
(c) The night before they left.
(d) 2 days before they left.

2. In Chapter 99, how many years has Francisco Junior wasted doing nothing?
(a) 5.
(b) 15.
(c) 20.
(d) 10.

3. How many trees did Francisco and his son plant in Chapter 69?
(a) 6.
(b) 4.
(c) 3.
(d) 5.

4. In Chapter 60, what was the occupation of one of Francisco Junior's daughters?
(a) Lawyer.
(b) Psychologist.
(c) Architect.
(d) Engineer.

5. In Chapter 86, how did Beatriz long to forget everything?
(a) By walking.
(b) By cooking.
(c) By sleeping.
(d) By sewing.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money did Francisco lose when the bank failed in 1928?

2. In Chapter 69, how long did Francisco know that it would have taken to plant the trees if Espiricueta had first come to help?

3. What was the only sound in Chapter 62 when the performance was about to begin?

4. How is Francisco Junior led to his final destination in Chapter 100?

5. In Chapter 91, what day of the week did Beatriz and her household leave Linares?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Francisco Junior's condition when Simonopio reached him?

2. Why did Francisco Junior ride a pony to school?

3. What decisions did Beatriz make after her husband died, and what was her life and Francisco Junior's lives like?

4. What did Simonopio reveal about the murders?

5. What did the narrator say in Chapter 61 about Francisco Junior not remembering what happened on his seventh birthday?

6. Why did Sinforosa move to Monterrey with Beatriz and Francisco Junior?

7. How did Simonopio make the journey to find Francisco and Francisco Junior?

8. What does Francisco Junior tell Nico in Chapter 100?

9. What did Espiricueta do when he found Francisco Junior?

10. In Chapter 66, what did Francisco Junior have to do?

(see the answer keys)

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