The Murders in the Rue Morgue Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Murders in the Rue Morgue Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator note about Dupin and the way he acted during the case?
(a) His charisma.
(b) His ability to analyze situations.
(c) His ability to always solve a mystery.
(d) His problemw ith authority.

2. Which of the following is definitely not a motive for the murders?
(a) Robbert.
(b) A random act.
(c) Anger.
(d) Jealousy.

3. What did the animal do to the older victim?
(a) Put her in a bathtub.
(b) Smashed her head on a mirror.
(c) Threw her out the window.
(d) Threw her into the kitchen.

4. At a single glance, what can be assumed about the windows?
(a) They are borken from the outside.
(b) They are broken from the inside.
(c) They are nailed shut inside.
(d) They are nailed shut outside.

5. What does Dupin tell the person of interest that he has?
(a) A phone.
(b) A pistol.
(c) A knife.
(d) Handcuffs.

6. As a result of the man walking in on the animal at the Rue Morgue, what did the animal do?
(a) It threw a piece of furniture.
(b) It strangled a woman.
(c) It ran away.
(d) It cut a woman's neck.

7. How is Madame L'Espanaye related to Camille?
(a) She is her mother.
(b) She is her mother-in-law.
(c) She is her sister.
(d) She is her aunt.

8. What is evidence of no forced entry into the Rue Morgue?
(a) The gate had not been opened in years.
(b) The doors were locked from the inside.
(c) There were cobwebs over all the doors.
(d) There were no windows.

9. What is the first event that leads to Dupin analyzing a thought that the narrator has?
(a) An actor walked by.
(b) Somebody bumps into the narrator.
(c) A policeman stopped to talk to them.
(d) Somebody walked by drinking alcohol.

10. Who does the narrator describe as having an analytical mind?
(a) One of the murder victims.
(b) Himself.
(c) The sailor.
(d) Dupin.

11. How does Dupin respond to a direct though in another person's head?
(a) He is good at reading body language.
(b) He analyzed the situation.
(c) He can read minds.
(d) He saw the occurrence in a dream.

12. What is the second word that the policeman hears from outside the crime scene?
(a) Devil.
(b) Malevolent.
(c) Criminal.
(d) Diable.

13. What is Dupin's only luxury?
(a) Books.
(b) Board games.
(c) Furniture.
(d) Going to the opera.

14. Which body part of the older murder victim was falling off?
(a) Feet.
(b) Hands.
(c) Head.
(d) Her body was cut entirely in half.

15. How many days before her death did Madame L'Espanaye pull out money?
(a) 3.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 5.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Dupin different from his family?

2. What is an epigraph?

3. On what floor were voices heard in the Rue Morgue?

4. How does Dupin describe the person who strangled the younger murder victim?

5. What does Dupin want the person of interest to tell him?

(see the answer keys)

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