The Murderer's Daughters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Randy Susan Meyers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Murderer's Daughters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Randy Susan Meyers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Aunt Cilla refuse to keep Lulu and Merry?
(a) She can't afford to take them in.
(b) She does not want Joey's children in her house.
(c) She does not have enough room for them.
(d) She is not mentally well.

2. What holiday meal does Merry help Mrs. Cohen prepare in Chapter 11?
(a) Fourth of July.
(b) Chanukah.
(c) New Year's.
(d) Thanksgiving.

3. Who is the person who tells Merry about what has happened to her parents?
(a) Lulu.
(b) Mimi Rubee.
(c) Glen.
(d) Aunt Cilla.

4. How does Merry feel about her father's apology?
(a) It is hollow.
(b) It is sincere.
(c) It is half-hearted.
(d) He doesn't apologize.

5. What could account for Lulu and Merry's mother's immature behavior?
(a) She was always spoiled at home.
(b) She was a teenager when she got pregnant and married.
(c) She never had any responsibilities.
(d) She was beautiful and catered to.

6. Why can't Lulu and Merry stay with their paternal grandmother?
(a) She can't afford to keep them.
(b) She lives in a nursing home.
(c) Her house is too small.
(d) Her health is poor.

7. What is the name of the orphanage where Lulu and Merry live?
(a) Duffy.
(b) Denby.
(c) Dawson.
(d) Dalton.

8. Why does Merry accompany her grandmother on the outings in #35?
(a) She feels it is her duty.
(b) She likes just being with her grandmother.
(c) She loves to shop.
(d) She misses her mother.

9. Who is Lulu and Merry's aunt who speaks particularly unkindly about Joey?
(a) Aunt Celeste.
(b) Aunt Cilla.
(c) Aunt Celia.
(d) Aunt Cheryl.

10. What has Lulu been told regarding her father?
(a) Don't talk to him on the phone.
(b) Don't give him any money.
(c) Don't ride in a car with him.
(d) Don't let him into the house.

11. What gift had Mrs. Cohen given Lulu for Chanukah?
(a) A blue poncho.
(b) A red sweater.
(c) Pearl earrings.
(d) A navy coat.

12. Who is Lulu and Merry's father?
(a) Billy.
(b) Joey.
(c) Frank.
(d) Mark.

13. How old is Merry's father when she visits him in Chapter 12?
(a) 35.
(b) 41.
(c) 49.
(d) 30.

14. What treat does Mrs. Cohen give Merry after she is upset on Thanksgiving?
(a) She gets her ears pierced.
(b) She gets a new jacket.
(c) She gets a manicure and pedicure.
(d) She gets her hair highlighted.

15. What does Grandma Zelda have Merry do when she and Lulu arrive at her house?
(a) Go to the store.
(b) Wash dishes.
(c) Set the table.
(d) Peel potatoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What question does Merry ask Lulu regarding their new foster parents?

2. Where does Lulu refuse to go with Merry and their grandmother?

3. What does the bully do to Merry one night?

4. What weapon does one of the girls at the orphanage threaten to use on Lulu one night?

5. Where do Lulu and Merry go to live after the death of their grandmother?

(see the answer keys)

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