The Moves Make the Man Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moves Make the Man Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jerome's mother say to Bix privately?
(a) To stop thinking the world is against him.
(b) Jerome does not know.
(c) To be kind to Bix's mother.
(d) To be kind to Jerome who is still an innocent.

2. What does Jerome's mother encourage all three of her sons to do?
(a) Talk more with their dad.
(b) Get back to their old routines.
(c) Have a party to have some fun.
(d) Stay home from school for a week and spend time with her.

3. What does Bix ask of Jerome?
(a) To run away with him.
(b) To play baseball on Bix's team.
(c) To talk to Bix's stepfather.
(d) To be able to hold the lantern.

4. Who does Jerome say moves like a real player(s)?
(a) Bix's stepfather.
(b) Both Bix and the stepfather?
(c) Bix.
(d) Bix and his stepfather.

5. How does Bix react to the first part of the contest?
(a) He is encouraged at the idea that he will win.
(b) He becomes confused.
(c) He stops and refuses to play.
(d) He is discouraged and slows down.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bix's stepfather agree to do though he is clearly tired?

2. What is Bix doing in the corner of the Home Economics room?

3. What does Miss Pimton say about what they are going to make?

4. What is counting quietly as Jerome approaches the basketball court?

5. Who is at the basketball court when Jerome arrives for the challenge?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Jerome win a lantern?

2. How does Jerome's new lantern help him with his basketball practice?

3. How does Jerome discover who is at "his" court one night?

4. What does Jerome tell his momma about Bix and what is her response?

5. What does Bix do in the Home Economics class that is disturbing?

6. How does Bix seem in the Home Economics class?

7. What does Miss Pimton teach to make in the next class and what is Jerome's reaction?

8. Who is watching Jerome one day as he is practicing and what does Jerome do?

9. How long of a break is there when Jerome and Bix do not see each other, and what does Jerome do as far as practicing basketball in the meantime?

10. Why does Bix challenge his stepfather to a one-on-one game and who is to referee the game?

(see the answer keys)

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