The Moves Make the Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moves Make the Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jerome realize one night when he is practicing?
(a) Two older boys are watching him.
(b) A stray dog is watching him.
(c) A train has stopped nearby.
(d) Bix is watching him.

2. What does Bix say everyone is doing?
(a) Laughing at him.
(b) Telling lies.
(c) Talking about him.
(d) Poisoning the pies.

3. What changes with Bix as he plays with the lantern?
(a) He becomes calm.
(b) He becomes more agitated.
(c) He is almost in a trance.
(d) He becomes joyful.

4. Who is at the basketball court when Jerome arrives for the challenge?
(a) Bix's stepfather.
(b) Bix's mother and stepfather.
(c) Bix.
(d) No one.

5. What is Bix's challenge about?
(a) Jerome needing to pin down parentage.
(b) Jerome not getting on the team the year before.
(c) Jerome's need to define everything in words.
(d) Jerome being more obsessed about skin color than Bix.

6. How is Jerome's question about what they are to make received by the girls?
(a) The female students are shocked at his boldness.
(b) The girls think Jerome has a valid point.
(c) The female students are glad he brings up some valid points.
(d) The girls ignore Jerome.

7. What does Jerome's momma realize that Jerome's been neglecting?
(a) His basketball.
(b) His academic courses.
(c) His grandparents.
(d) His music.

8. For what does Jerome pretend to be searching?
(a) A murderer.
(b) A black boy for the all-white high school team.
(c) Earth-people games.
(d) A black young man for the pro league.

9. What does Bix call what he does with the lantern?
(a) Light circle.
(b) Gigging.
(c) Spin Light.
(d) Whirly light.

10. Who is Bobo?
(a) A friend of Jerome's who is blind.
(b) A friend Bix brings with him.
(c) A new boy at school.
(d) A big man the black crewman calls up.

11. What do the girls suggest about the best looking pie?
(a) It be given to the football team.
(b) It be given to the basketball team.
(c) It be given to the principal.
(d) It be baked first.

12. Who tests the winning pie(s)?
(a) The principal.
(b) The nurse.
(c) Another teacher.
(d) The janitor.

13. Where did Bix get the basketball he has with him?
(a) The YMCA.
(b) The school gym.
(c) His stepfather.
(d) A department store.

14. What does Miss Pimton say about what they are going to make?
(a) It is cheaper than the real thing.
(b) It is less tasty than the real thing.
(c) It is more nutritious than the real thing.
(d) It has much less sugar than the real thing.

15. What does Bix's stepfather say affected Bix's relationship with his mother?
(a) Bix's obsession with his mother being something she is not.
(b) Bix's obstinacy.
(c) Bix's obsession with the truth.
(d) Bix's refusal to give in ever.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Jerome try to break the ice between him and Bix?

2. What does Jerome pretend as he's hiding in the shadows?

3. Who does Jerome say moves like a real player(s)?

4. What makes Jerome nervous as he is headed towards his favorite court?

5. About what does Jerome taunt Bix?

(see the answer keys)

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