The Moves Make the Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moves Make the Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the first person to notice Jerome's behavior?
(a) Bix.
(b) His mother.
(c) His father.
(d) His brother.

2. Who are some people Jerome's brother continually analyzes?
(a) Jerome's brother's teachers.
(b) Jerome's brother's Sunday school teacher and the church's preacher.
(c) The baseball team the brother coaches.
(d) Jerome's brother's classmates.

3. What is one way Jerome decides to make overtures of friendship to a white student?
(a) Listening to their book reports.
(b) Seeing who will laugh at his jokes.
(c) Seeing who seems to be relaxed around him.
(d) Seeing who nods at him.

4. About what does the visitor to Jerome's home assure Jerome?
(a) The quality of the education Jerome can expect at his new school.
(b) The fact that Jerome's fellow students in his former school are very proud of him.
(c) The fact that Jerome can be a wonderful ambassador for blacks.
(d) The fact that Jerome can always return to his former school.

5. Who calls Jerome in to talk with him?
(a) The basketball coach.
(b) The principal.
(c) The school nurse.
(d) The school counselor.

6. Who is coaching the team that Jerome is watching the night he meets Bix?
(a) Bix's father.
(b) Jerome's father.
(c) Mr. Steller.
(d) Jerome's brother.

7. What school had Jerome planned to attend?
(a) Chestnut.
(b) Third Avenue.
(c) Parker.
(d) Booker T. Washington.

8. What is Jerome's preferred sport?
(a) Football.
(b) Soccer.
(c) Basketball.
(d) Baseball.

9. What is the narrator's name?
(a) Jeb.
(b) Jerome.
(c) Bix.
(d) Maurice.

10. What is "You LIke It, It Likes You"?
(a) The Coca-Cola slogan.
(b) The Westinghouse slogan.
(c) The Schwinn slogan.
(d) The Seven-Up slogan.

11. About what is Jerome angry?
(a) That Bix's mother deserted him.
(b) The way Bix is talked about in church.
(c) That Bix's stepfather lies about Bix.
(d) That Bix does not tell Jerome where Bix is.

12. What does Jerome later find out when he first thought things were back to being right in his secret place?
(a) The secret place is about to be torn up.
(b) Many boys knew about the secret place.
(c) The secret place is owned by a white racists.
(d) They were not right.

13. What does Jerome ask the counselor about the boy she calls "poor thing"?
(a) If he is in the same home situation as Jerome.
(b) If he is new to the school.
(c) If he has a mother.
(d) If he is black.

14. What is the effect of the person going with Jerome?
(a) Jerome sees his brother as a real person.
(b) It ruins his secret place for a while.
(c) Jerome does not see Bix as a white boy.
(d) Jerome sees his father as a real person.

15. What does one of the white players say after the pick up game?
(a) That Jerome is the best basketball player there.
(b) That the coach is a racist pig.
(c) That Jerome is uppity for thinking of trying out for the team.
(d) That Jerome could help them win the state championship.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Jerome angry?

2. What class does Jerome decide to drop in order to change to the suggested class?

3. What does Jerome eventually recover?

4. What does the counselor tell Jerome about his new class?

5. Which team is doing best in the black/white game initially?

(see the answer keys)

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