Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Sally is convinced the Admiral must take the Motie ambassadors where?
2. When Rod cannot answer the midshipmen's questions, the humans realize it is a Motie doing what?
3. Rod and Sally leave the Lenin and promise to hold the wedding until what?
4. What do the men sent to the MacArthur to set the self-destruct sequence have to take to get off the MacArthur?
5. What happens at the beginning of the war council?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does the Chaplin highlight the complexity of humans?
2. What are the different beliefs about the Moties held by the scientists and the military men?
3. What do the Moties learn about the reason the MacArthur was destroyed?
4. What element does Sally and Rod's relationship demonstrate?
5. What is inside the museum where the three men who crashed on Mote Prime gather?
6. Why are the museums set up on Mote Prime?
7. What does Rod's new position as a Commissioner give him?
8. How has Horace changed because of his contact with the Moties?
9. What is the defense Jock comes up with for the images Kevin shows from the probe before the probe fired on the MacArthur?
10. What comfort do the Moties find in the thoughts of the Blockade?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
How do the humans try to make something that is completely unknown known? What types of activities do they engage in? How is this different from what the Moties do? Cite at least three examples from the text in support of your answer.
Essay Topic 2
How did Rod's upbringing prepare him for contact with an alien culture and the social and political impacts involved? Cite examples from the book in support of your answer.
Essay Topic 3
How are Rod's military perspective and Sally's anthropological perspective compared and contrasted in the book? Explain your answer using at least three specific examples from the text.
This section contains 678 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |