The Mote in God's Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mote in God's Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is waiting for the Lenin on the other side of the jump point?
(a) A carrier ship.
(b) A message sloop.
(c) A transport ship.
(d) A cargo sloop.

2. What has to be overloaded before the Lenin can destroy the MacArthur?
(a) The Durston Field.
(b) The Bass Field.
(c) The Armstrong Field.
(d) The Langston Field.

3. The Mediators teach the Blaine children to read what?
(a) Motie language.
(b) Human history books.
(c) Facial expressions.
(d) Body language.

4. Rod and Sally leave the Lenin and promise to hold the wedding until what?
(a) The crew of the Lenin can be guests.
(b) Rod gets a promotion.
(c) The Lenin comes to New Ireland.
(d) The Lenin is retrofitted.

5. How does Porter die?
(a) Suicide.
(b) A laser gun.
(c) A bullet.
(d) Beheading.

6. What is a vital component of every collapse the Motie world has experienced?
(a) Technology.
(b) Violence.
(c) The Watchmakers.
(d) Population control.

7. The Moties, in Chapter 34, are revealed to be close to war, which will likely lead to what?
(a) A complete collapse of their society.
(b) An extinction of their civilization.
(c) A great loss of life.
(d) The destruction of a generation.

8. The story of the man trying to get the animal to sing makes Charlie realize just how _______ the humans really are.
(a) Desperate.
(b) Alien.
(c) Weird.
(d) Strange.

9. Kutuzov wants to take the gift ship home but is not excited about what?
(a) Having it on board his ship.
(b) Having it connected to his ship.
(c) Having it near his ship.
(d) Having it near human worlds.

10. Who escorts the Moties to their quarters after leaving the Lenin?
(a) Airmen.
(b) Marines.
(c) Midshipmen.
(d) Soldiers.

11. Ivan panics because he realizes the Commission wants to do what?
(a) Force reproduction control on the Moties.
(b) Enslave the Moties.
(c) Imprison the Moties.
(d) Destroy the Moties.

12. The midshipmen head to what location, beneath the museum, to defend against the troops?
(a) The service tunnels.
(b) The basement.
(c) The subway.
(d) The cellar.

13. Who is denied access to the Lenin?
(a) The Fyunch.
(b) The Master.
(c) The scientists.
(d) The humans.

14. When the Motie ambassadors realize their revelation about their lifespan is distressing to the humans, they suggest what?
(a) That they might be wrong in their estimates.
(b) That the humans find a cure.
(c) That the humans forget it.
(d) A recess.

15. What are the first stages of the war that breaks out on the Motie planet?
(a) Shows of weapons.
(b) Parades of warriors.
(c) Demonstrations of power.
(d) Acts of little destruction.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sally is convinced the Admiral must take the Motie ambassadors where?

2. When Rod arrives on New Scotland, he is immediately taken where?

3. Who assembles for the war council?

4. Bury manages to retrieve what with the small Moties in stasis before evacuating?

5. Who wants to go back to the Moties and learn more about them after the Lenin leaves the area?

(see the answer keys)

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