The Mote in God's Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mote in God's Eye Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is contained in the large building the midshipmen enter after crashing on the Motie home world?
(a) Spaceships.
(b) Baby Moties.
(c) Incubators.
(d) Weapons.

2. How do the midshipmen try to call the Lenin from Castle City?
(a) Helmet comm.
(b) Morse code.
(c) Short-range radio.
(d) Handheld comm.

3. What lands near Staley while he is hiking to the large building to meet the other midshipmen?
(a) An airplane.
(b) A helicopter.
(c) A transport.
(d) A glider.

4. When Rod arrives on New Scotland, he is immediately taken where?
(a) The Court Martial.
(b) The Court of Inquiry.
(c) The Article 49 hearing.
(d) The Captain's Mast.

5. When the Moties contact the Lenin, where did the lifeboats go and were destroyed?
(a) Into the Motie ship.
(b) Into an asteroid.
(c) Into the sun.
(d) Into the atmosphere of the planet.

6. Who is perplexed by the meaning of gender mutation?
(a) Cargill.
(b) Horvath.
(c) Sally.
(d) Jake.

7. Who do Rod and Sally want to perform their wedding ceremony?
(a) Cargill.
(b) The Senator.
(c) Hardy.
(d) Kutuzov.

8. How do the midshipmen get from the museum to the nearest city?
(a) They take the airplane.
(b) The take the train.
(c) They walk.
(d) They take horses.

9. Who decodes the message Rod is carrying?
(a) Kutuzov's commanding officer.
(b) The head of the Navy.
(c) The head of the Senate.
(d) Kutuzov's personal assistant.

10. The midshipmen head to what location, beneath the museum, to defend against the troops?
(a) The basement.
(b) The subway.
(c) The service tunnels.
(d) The cellar.

11. Who does Renner ask for help in dealing with Rod?
(a) Shelby.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Susan.
(d) Sally.

12. What is the name of Charlie's Master?
(a) Pervin.
(b) Peter.
(c) Paul.
(d) Percy.

13. What has to be overloaded before the Lenin can destroy the MacArthur?
(a) The Armstrong Field.
(b) The Durston Field.
(c) The Bass Field.
(d) The Langston Field.

14. How many scientists at the full Commission meeting insist that there have been extensive wars in the history of the Moties?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) None.
(d) One.

15. Jock says that Renner is showing what kind of face when the group returns to discuss the Motie counteroffer?
(a) Poker face.
(b) Happy face.
(c) Solemn face.
(d) Sad face.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the nearest city to the museum where the midshipmen gather after crashing to the Motie planet?

2. What do the Moties call the repetition of war and development in their society?

3. Bury manages to retrieve what with the small Moties in stasis before evacuating?

4. The Motie ambassadors reveal that they have how much longer to live?

5. Who is denied access to the Lenin?

(see the answer keys)

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