The Most Dangerous Game Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Dangerous Game Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Rainsford digs his pit trap, he is said to dig like what?
(a) A Russian serf.
(b) A soldier.
(c) A beaver.
(d) A groundhog.

2. What kind of animals does Zaroff say are better than the people he hunts?
(a) Farm animals.
(b) Predators.
(c) Wild animals.
(d) Thoroughbreds.

3. On page 35, Zaroff says that Rainsford's attitude is "like finding a snuffbox in a limousine." What does he mean by this?
(a) That Rainsford's attitude is fussy and somewhat embarrassing.
(b) That Rainsford's attitude is charming but too delicate to survive.
(c) That Rainsford's attitude is old-fashioned and out of place in the modern world.
(d) That Rainsford's attitude is unpleasant and not particularly safe.

4. On page 43, Rainsford looks out the window and sees a "sallow" moon. What kind of moon does this mean he is looking at?
(a) A moon that sparkles with light.
(b) A narrow sliver of moon.
(c) A moon that seems unfriendly.
(d) A sickly yellow moon.

5. What justification does Zaroff give for his actions?
(a) He does give his victims a choice.
(b) He is only hunting non-Christians.
(c) He is only hunting lower class people.
(d) He kills his victims quickly and as painlessly as possible.

6. When Rainsford says that he is not a murderer, the General calls him "droll" (35). What is Zaroff saying about Rainsford?
(a) That his objection to murder is funny.
(b) That his objection to murder is weak.
(c) That his objection to murder is childish.
(d) That his objection to murder is sensible.

7. What is most clearly implied by the last line of this story?
(a) Rainsford will become just like Zaroff.
(b) Rainsford kills Zaroff.
(c) Zaroff now understands that his "game" was wrong.
(d) Zaroff kills Rainsford.

8. On the second night, what danger does Rainsford narrowly avoid?
(a) Falling off a cliff.
(b) Getting lost in a cave.
(c) Quicksand.
(d) Drowning.

9. What is it implied that Zaroff keeps in his library?
(a) Chloroform.
(b) Human heads.
(c) The keys to his boat.
(d) Souvenirs from the war.

10. On page 51, Rainsford's night is said to be "apprehensive." What kind of a night is it?
(a) Full of suffering.
(b) Full of planning.
(c) Full of regret.
(d) Full of worry.

11. After running from Zaroff for two hours, what does Rainsford decide to do?
(a) Hide in a cave.
(b) Create a winding and tricky path for Zaroff to follow.
(c) Find a way across the river.
(d) Dig a deep pit to hide in.

12. How does Zaroff obtain his victims?
(a) He and his servant capture them on the mainland.
(b) He has a false channel light that lures ships onto the rocks.
(c) He advertises for people to come work on his island.
(d) He has artillery that he fires on passing ships, hoping to sink them.

13. If someone refuses to participate in Zaroff's hunting game, what does he do?
(a) Shoots them immediately.
(b) Gives them to his servant to be whipped to death.
(c) Sets them adrift at sea.
(d) Makes them fight his servant to the death.

14. Into what two groups does Zaroff divide up the world?
(a) Strong and weak.
(b) Hunters and hunted.
(c) Thinkers and feelers.
(d) Brave and cowardly.

15. How does Rainsford finally succeed in getting away from Zaroff?
(a) He fools Zaroff into thinking he has drowned in the river.
(b) He hides in a cave.
(c) He jumps from a cliff into the ocean.
(d) He hides in the swamp.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 35, Zaroff says that Rainsford's attitude is "like finding a snuffbox in a limousine." What rhetorical technique is he employing?

2. On what does Zaroff blame Rainsford's refusal to participate in murder?

3. How much of a head start does Zaroff offer his victims?

4. After Zaroff leaves, when Rainsford is lying in the tree and thinking over what has just happened, what emotion does Rainsford feel?

5. On page 49, Rainsford thinks that running away from the chateau in a straight line is "futile." What kind of a plan is "futile"?

(see the answer keys)

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