The Most Dangerous Game Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Dangerous Game Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What spot on the island does Zaroff warn Rainsford to stay away from?
(a) The river.
(b) The cliffs.
(c) The swamp.
(d) The caves.

2. What does Zaroff believe fighting in the war should have taught Rainsford?
(a) That human life is not inherently valuable.
(b) How to hunt for human beings.
(c) That nothing in life is fair.
(d) To keep a level head when he is in danger.

3. What kind of animals does Zaroff say are better than the people he hunts?
(a) Wild animals.
(b) Thoroughbreds.
(c) Farm animals.
(d) Predators.

4. On page 39, General Zaroff says "It's a game, you see," and the reader realizes what about the story's title?
(a) That the word "game" is being used hyperbolically.
(b) That General Zaroff is much more dangerous than he first appeared.
(c) That it implies that Zaroff is more fair to his victims than it first appeared.
(d) That the word "game" is meant in more than one way.

5. If someone refuses to participate in Zaroff's hunting game, what does he do?
(a) Shoots them immediately.
(b) Makes them fight his servant to the death.
(c) Sets them adrift at sea.
(d) Gives them to his servant to be whipped to death.

6. On page 50, Rainsford decides that taking a rest is "imperative." What does this mean he thinks about the idea of resting?
(a) It is nice but not essential.
(b) It is a foolish waste of time.
(c) It is too risky.
(d) It is extremely important.

7. How does Zaroff obtain his victims?
(a) He and his servant capture them on the mainland.
(b) He advertises for people to come work on his island.
(c) He has a false channel light that lures ships onto the rocks.
(d) He has artillery that he fires on passing ships, hoping to sink them.

8. What justification does Zaroff give for his actions?
(a) He kills his victims quickly and as painlessly as possible.
(b) He does give his victims a choice.
(c) He is only hunting non-Christians.
(d) He is only hunting lower class people.

9. What is Zaroff's response to being wounded by Rainsford?
(a) He yells.
(b) He stares silently toward Rainsford's hiding place.
(c) He laughs.
(d) He moans.

10. On page 59, Rainsford's waiting is described with the phrase "He lived a year in a minute." What literary technique is being used here?
(a) Imagery.
(b) Hyperbole.
(c) Onomatopoeia.
(d) Simile.

11. On page 35, Zaroff says that Rainsford's attitude is "like finding a snuffbox in a limousine." What rhetorical technique is he employing?
(a) Simile.
(b) Understatement.
(c) Alliteration.
(d) Sarcasm.

12. When he is hiding in the tree, what does Rainsford suddenly realize?
(a) Zaroff does not really want to kill him.
(b) Zaroff is like a cat playing with a mouse before killing it.
(c) Zaroff is not quite as good at tracking as he thinks.
(d) Zaroff is not playing the game by his own rules.

13. After running from Zaroff for two hours, what does Rainsford decide to do?
(a) Dig a deep pit to hide in.
(b) Create a winding and tricky path for Zaroff to follow.
(c) Find a way across the river.
(d) Hide in a cave.

14. What does General Zaroff imply is true about hunting human beings?
(a) It is terrible but necessary.
(b) It is the right way to deal with criminals.
(c) It is the true expression of human instinct.
(d) It is modern and civilized.

15. On page 51, Rainsford's night is said to be "apprehensive." What kind of a night is it?
(a) Full of regret.
(b) Full of suffering.
(c) Full of worry.
(d) Full of planning.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Rainsford digs his pit trap, he is said to dig like what?

2. On page 55, a tree is leaning "precariously" on another tree. How is the tree leaning?

3. Before Zaroff hunts people, what does he usually do with them?

4. On the second night, what danger does Rainsford narrowly avoid?

5. On page 51, the word "dingy" is used. How is this word pronounced, and what does it mean?

(see the answer keys)

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