The Most Dangerous Game Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Dangerous Game Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 4: Pages 49-66.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Rainsford a little uncomfortable about the General?
(a) Zaroff carries a pistol with him.
(b) Zaroff keeps staring at him.
(c) Zaroff keeps making strange jokes that Rainsford doesn't understand.
(d) Zaroff refuses to answer Rainsford's questions.

2. On page 35, Zaroff says that Rainsford's attitude is "like finding a snuffbox in a limousine." What does he mean by this?
(a) That Rainsford's attitude is fussy and somewhat embarrassing.
(b) That Rainsford's attitude is charming but too delicate to survive.
(c) That Rainsford's attitude is old-fashioned and out of place in the modern world.
(d) That Rainsford's attitude is unpleasant and not particularly safe.

3. On page 50, Rainsford decides that taking a rest is "imperative." What does this mean he thinks about the idea of resting?
(a) It is extremely important.
(b) It is a foolish waste of time.
(c) It is nice but not essential.
(d) It is too risky.

4. What is Zaroff's response to Rainsford's arrival?
(a) He seems confused and changes his mind twice about what to do with Rainsford.
(b) He seems suspicious and initially locks Rainsford in a bedroom.
(c) He is welcoming and invites him to dinner.
(d) He is pleased to have company and gives Rainsford a tour of the house.

5. How does Zaroff obtain his victims?
(a) He advertises for people to come work on his island.
(b) He has a false channel light that lures ships onto the rocks.
(c) He has artillery that he fires on passing ships, hoping to sink them.
(d) He and his servant capture them on the mainland.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the result of Rainsford's final trap?

2. Who is the captain of the ship that Rainsford travels on?

3. For how long does someone have to elude the General in order to win the game?

4. On page 33, the narrator mentions that Zaroff has "surmounted" an obstacle. What has Zaroff done?

5. When Rainsford is waiting in the tree, to whom does he compare Zaroff?

(see the answer key)

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