The Most Dangerous Game Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Dangerous Game Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 4: Pages 49-66.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Rainsford nears the island, what does he hear?
(a) The sound of his ship hitting the rocks.
(b) A splash as if something has fallen in the water.
(c) Recorded music.
(d) A scream and a gunshot.

2. What explanation does Zaroff give for having recognized Rainsford?
(a) Zaroff knows Rainsford's hunting partner.
(b) He has read Rainsford's book.
(c) They met during the war.
(d) They have crossed paths on their hunting expeditions.

3. Why does Rainsford stand up on the ship's rail?
(a) He thinks that he hears gunfire.
(b) He is trying to reach something stuck in the rigging.
(c) He is trying to signal another ship.
(d) He has been drinking and is fooling around.

4. What is the name of General Zaroff's servant?
(a) Whitney.
(b) Nielsen.
(c) Sanger.
(d) Ivan.

5. On page 5, evil is described as "tangible." What would this mean is true about evil?
(a) It is a thing that can distract you from your real goals.
(b) It is a thing that can take over without you realizing it.
(c) It is a thing that can paralyze you with fear.
(d) It is a thing that you can perceive with your senses.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 51, Rainsford's night is said to be "apprehensive." What kind of a night is it?

2. On page 43, Rainsford looks out the window and sees a "sallow" moon. What kind of moon does this mean he is looking at?

3. On page 55, a tree is leaning "precariously" on another tree. How is the tree leaning?

4. Why did Zaroff go into the army?

5. What is it implied that Zaroff keeps in his library?

(see the answer key)

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