The Most Beautiful Woman in Town & Other Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Beautiful Woman in Town & Other Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Herb's trademark noise in "The White Beard?"
(a) Passing gas.
(b) Belches.
(c) Laughs.
(d) Whistles.

2. What is the disparity in the looks of the two women versus their true age in "My Big-Assed Mother?"
(a) Fifteen years.
(b) Thirty years.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Twenty years.

3. Why is the prostitute's brother acting as a bodyguard in "Trouble with a Battery?"
(a) The brother likes to beat people up, unprovoked.
(b) The prostitute is wanted by the police.
(c) The brother is simple, and this is the prositute's way of keeping him close.
(d) One of the girls was attacked and cut.

4. What does Blanchard tell the cops that results in the two officers reacting with violence?
(a) He tells them that the children are lying.
(b) He tells them the girl had consented.
(c) He tells them that there is nothing wrong with what he did.
(d) He tells them he could not control himself.

5. Why does Harry reckon he is going to have to kill Ginny and Duke?
(a) He believes they are going to kill him for the gold.
(b) He is insulted that Ginny does not like him.
(c) He does not like watching other people find happiness.
(d) He is angry that Duke is telling people of their plan.

Short Answer Questions

1. After he is no longer in contact with Tito and Baby, what does Bukowski claim to appreciate from their encounter?

2. What rumor does Lincoln believe about Vasquez?

3. What is the little girl in "The Fiend" wearing that catches Blanchard's attention?

4. According to his description, what part of Harry's body instantly provokes hatred towards him?

5. How does Madge choose horses to bet on in "The Beginner?"

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are some of the famous writers discussed in "The Day We Talk About James Thurber" and why?

2. Describe Herb and Talbot's relationship.

3. Describe Martin Blanchard.

4. What does Charlie leave Marie?

5. Why does Bukowski decide to find a better girlfriend than Madge at the end of the story?

6. What are some of the factors Tony and Bill discuss before seeing their stolen corpse for the first time?

7. What are the logistics of Harry's plan to recover the gold from the artillery range?

8. What happens when Bukowski decides to not correct the visitors' assumption that he himself is Andre?

9. What is significant about the condition of the stolen corpse in "The Copulating Mermaid of Venice, California" and how do Tony and Bill react to it?

10. What is significant about the prostitute's brother in "Trouble with a Battery?"

(see the answer keys)

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