The Most Beautiful Woman in Town & Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Beautiful Woman in Town & Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Sarah shrink Henry?
(a) Removing his confidence.
(b) Food.
(c) Prayers.
(d) Cursed beer.

2. When Cass allows Bukowski to buy her a drink, what does she ask him?
(a) She asks if he thinks she is pretty.
(b) She asks if she can perform oral sex on him under the table.
(c) She asks if he wants to sleep with her.
(d) She asks if he is a Nazi.

3. Why does Kathy throw a book at Bukowski?
(a) He suggests that she is going to sleep with the old man next door when he leaves.
(b) He shows up drunk and wants to have sex with her.
(c) He accuses her of cheating on him with the paperboy.
(d) She comes to believe that he is cheating on her.

4. With regard to horse racing, what does Bukowski call himself?
(a) A career gambler.
(b) A casual better.
(c) A hard-nose.
(d) A head seater.

5. What job does Bukowski take on temporarily after losing a good sum of money at the track in "25 Bums in Rags?"
(a) Tutoring college students.
(b) Garbage man.
(c) Working in a meat packing plant.
(d) Delivering newspapers.

6. What service does Danforth provide with his agency in "The Gut-Wringing Machine?"
(a) Rebellious workers are dismembered and are no longer the company's problem.
(b) Danforth removes any worries not related to work from someone's mind.
(c) People's complacency is removed and they begin to rebel.
(d) People are transformed into docile workers.

7. Why does Bukowski quit his job at the meat-packing plant?
(a) He finds it disgusting.
(b) He is unable to ever be on time to work.
(c) He cannot find a way to drink at work.
(d) He keeps getting into fights with his coworkers.

8. What does Bukowski witness in Texas as a result of someone insulting the state?
(a) Muggings.
(b) Speeches and debates.
(c) Guided tours.
(d) Bar fights.

9. Why are people looking for Jerry Borst in "Twelve Flying Monkeys Who Won't Copulate Properly?"
(a) Borst is apparently getting ready to throw a huge drug party.
(b) Borst ripped off the local drug dealer.
(c) Borst is holding on to a stash of drugs.
(d) Borst owes a lot of people money.

10. What sight depresses Bukowski the morning after his drunken bender in "Ten Jack-offs?"
(a) Sanchez and Kaakaa sleeping together on the couch.
(b) Kaakaa is reciting poetry to Sanchez.
(c) Sanchez has emptied all of Bukowski's alcohol in the sink.
(d) Kaakaa is crying in bed alone.

11. How much money does Bukowski win at the end of "25 Bums in Rags?"
(a) $250.
(b) $140.
(c) $170.
(d) $200.

12. What percentage does a track take on every dollar bet, according to Bukowski's horse-wagering explanations?
(a) Ten.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Thirty.
(d) Fifteen.

13. Who is Sanchez?
(a) Bukowski's poet friend.
(b) Bukowski's coworker at the meat-packing plant.
(c) Bukowski's lover's brother.
(d) Bukowski's neighbor.

14. What does Bukowski do with Cass on their first night together that surprises her?
(a) He massages her back.
(b) He reads her some of his poetry.
(c) He cooks her dinner and lets her use his shower.
(d) He waits until morning to initiate sex.

15. What is the first thing Bukowski does when he is discharged from the hospital?
(a) Has sex with his ex-wife.
(b) Drinks a beer.
(c) Smokes a cigarette.
(d) Writes a story about his experiences.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what holiday party does Henry meet Sarah in "Six Inches?"

2. How many sisters does Cass have?

3. What news does Bukowski receive at the end of "The Most Beautiful Woman in Town?"

4. According to Bukowski, when is the only time one should bet on a closer during a horse race?

5. Where does Bukowski go after he quits his job at the end of "Kid Stardust on the Porterhouse?"

(see the answer keys)

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