The Moor's Account Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Laila Lalami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moor's Account Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Laila Lalami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6: "The Story of the Sale"- Chapter 10: "The Story of Ramatullai" .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mustafa notes that Senor Dorantes showed more favor to which character than he did to his own brother Diego?
(a) Señor Dorantes.
(b) Señor Albaniz.
(c) Señor Castillo.
(d) Señor Narváez.

2. When Mustafa joined a small party going ashore to scope out the area, in what type of vessels did they travel from the ship to the shore?
(a) Dinghies.
(b) Rafts.
(c) Canoes.
(d) Rowboats.

3. What trope does Mustafa mention in relation to the Indian women's mournful voices decrying the rapes of their community members?
(a) The orphan.
(b) The witness.
(c) The mother.
(d) The other.

4. In Chapter 7: "The Story of Apalache," the members of the expedition continue to march toward what destination?
(a) Portillo.
(b) Santo Domingo.
(c) Apalache.
(d) Santa María.

5. From what country did the slave traders hail who sold Mustafa to Señor Dorantes?
(a) Portugal.
(b) Morocco.
(c) Spain.
(d) Australia.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Mustafa uses the term "Castilians," (3) he is referring to natives of which country?

2. Once a particular character ordered that the Indians be locked in the storehouse, he called for what weapon to be brought to him?

3. About what element is Mustafa speaking when he tells the reader in Chapter 8: "The Story of Seville" that its links "are heavier than any metal known to man" (105)?

4. Who pretended to understand the Indians' language and then ordered them to be locked in the storehouse?

5. From what country do Mustafa's so-called "companions" (3) hail, whose accounts he says he "intends to correct" (3)?

(see the answer key)

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