The Moor: A Mary Russell Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moor: A Mary Russell Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is it in one of the rooms that reminds Russell of Moroccan architecture?
(a) Plants
(b) Silk furniture in brilliant colors
(c) Pillows on a couch
(d) An ornamental fire pit

2. What does Holmes have for food when he and Russell camp in the cave?
(a) Cake and water
(b) Nothing
(c) Bread and cheese
(d) Sandwiches and boiled eggs

3. How long have Holmes and Russell been on the moor when they return to Baring-Gould's house at the beginning of chapter seven?
(a) A week
(b) Three days
(c) Six days
(d) Four days

4. What does Holmes give Westaway before leaving him?
(a) A coin and some advice about women
(b) A pat on the shoulder
(c) A phone number so he can call if he sees the hound again
(d) Informaiton about how to disprove the legend of the hound

5. Where is the young couple from that swore they'd seen Lady Howard's coach from Gibbett Hill?
(a) Mary Tavy
(b) America
(c) London
(d) Lew Trenchard

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does it take Holmes and Russell to reach Lydford?

2. How much higher does Holmes say Dartmoor is than their current position?

3. What is the name of Baring-Gould's wife who is buried in the churchyard?

4. What is the name given to the bizarre shaped rocks?

5. How does Holmes propose to find the names of the couple who'd seen the coach from Gibbett Hill?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ketteridge say he does with his time and what does Russell realize this means about his fascination with Baskerville Hall?

2. Who is the first to call Holmes by his nickname and how did the nickname come to be commonly used on the moor?

3. List at least three of the events Holmes and Russell list as they compile clues about the case so far.

4. What are the tors and how are they named?

5. What are some of the details David Sheimann tells about the true curse of the Baskervilles?

6. What are some of the details Ketteridge reveals about his life prior to his arrival in Dartmoor?

7. What are some of the things Holmes learns in the inn on the night when Russell plays the tin whistle?

8. How do Russell and Holmes find the shelter where they eat their lunch during the first trek onto the moor?

9. Who was Josiah Gorton and why is his death important to Baring-Gould?

10. Why does a young man who relates Johnny Trelawny's sighting of the coach say Johnny left the moor and what does Russell believe to be the real reason Johnny left?

(see the answer keys)

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