The Moor: A Mary Russell Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moor: A Mary Russell Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Ketteridge using to cover the sounds of his "salting" the moor with gold?
(a) Thunderstorms
(b) Trains
(c) Blasts from a mining operation
(d) The rattle of Lady Howard's coach

2. What did Holmes learn about the young Londoner who'd seen Lady Howard's coach?
(a) That he wrote stories about ghostly sightings
(b) That he was studying to be a doctor and had a limp
(c) That he was a professional hiker and author
(d) That he was an attorney and a philanthropist

3. Who brings Holmes the next telegram about Ketteridge and Schiemann?
(a) The constable
(b) Russell
(c) Mrs. Elliott
(d) Rosemary

4. What does Ketteridge say was the most exciting moment of his life?
(a) When he met Russell
(b) When he discovered gold
(c) When he bought Baskerville Hall
(d) When he met Holmes

5. How many miles does Russell have to cover in order to reach the inn at Tavistock?
(a) Three
(b) Ten
(c) Two
(d) Eight

6. What does Baring-Gould say he's reading when Russell joins him the morning after her return from Ketteridge's house?
(a) A history of the moor
(b) Nothing
(c) The Bible
(d) A draft of his memoirs

7. Where is Wheal Betsy located?
(a) Just north of Mary Tavy
(b) At the foot of Gibbett Hill
(c) Just west of Mary Tavy
(d) Just south of Mary Tavy

8. What does the liver mortis indicate to Russell about Pethering's body?
(a) That he couldn't have been dead more than a half hour
(b) That he didn't die in the water
(c) Nothing
(d) That he had been brutally beaten

9. What kind of sandwich does Russell eat when she stops at the place where Tiggy was found?
(a) Chicken
(b) Cheese and pickle
(c) Roast beef
(d) Peanut butter

10. Who pushes the plunger setting off the charges Ketteridge and Scheimann planted?
(a) Holmes
(b) Ketteridge
(c) Russell
(d) Scheimann

11. What day are Russell and Holmes supposed to meet back at Lew House?
(a) Wednesday
(b) Thursday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Monday

12. What time is it when Russell arrives back at Lew Trenchard?
(a) Just after midnight
(b) Almost midnight
(c) Not yet ten
(d) Just after one in the morning

13. What does the telegram from New York say about the previous actions of one of the men Holmes required about?
(a) That he was headmaster of a school
(b) That he had killed his wife
(c) That he was suspected of a real estate scam
(d) That he was a gold miner

14. What is Holmes' reaction when Russell says she knows his true relationship to Baring-Gould?
(a) That he hadn't been willing to share that information
(b) That he thought Baring-Gould had forgotten
(c) The he'd forgotten
(d) That Baring-Gould was mistaken

15. Which of the following are among the things Russell notes about Postbridge?
(a) There are many houses in a rouch circle around the town's center
(b) There are no church buildings but there is a school
(c) There are three places to buy liquor and one place to eat
(d) There are two churches and a phone kiosk

Short Answer Questions

1. Who drives on the day Holmes and Russell take Baring-Gould for one last trip onto the moor?

2. Where does Elizabeth Chase say Tiggy would ordinarily live?

3. What does Mrs. Elliott provide for Russell to drink when she returns to the house?

4. What is the subject of the song Russell requests from the singing moor men?

5. What does the young man in chapter ten tell Russell Elizabeth Chase wants to talk to her about?

(see the answer keys)

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