The Moonstone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moonstone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What country has Cuff gone to?
(a) France.
(b) Germany.
(c) Denmark.
(d) Ireland.

2. Who does Franklin receive a letter from on June 20th?
(a) Sergeant Cuff.
(b) Bruff.
(c) Candy.
(d) Mis Merridew.

3. What was the Murthwaite asked to do with the letter?
(a) Rewrite it.
(b) Throw it away.
(c) Translate it.
(d) Post it.

4. Where does Jennings think Franklin has hidden the diamond?
(a) The watchtower.
(b) His room.
(c) The kitchen.
(d) The graveyard.

5. Who narrates the seventh narrative?
(a) Betteredge.
(b) Mr. Candy.
(c) Godfrey.
(d) Franklin.

6. Why does Rachel say she won't expose Franklin?
(a) She wants him to suffer.
(b) She loves him.
(c) She needs his help.
(d) She wants the diamond for herself.

7. What kind of drug does Jennings want to experiment with?
(a) Mescaline.
(b) Opium.
(c) Amphetamine.
(d) MDMA.

8. What does Mr. Murthwaite think the Indians have gained a copy of?
(a) The Moonstone.
(b) Herncastle's will.
(c) The Old Testament.
(d) Herncastle's insurance policy.

9. What does Betteredge put in Rachel's bedroom in this section?
(a) The medicine chest.
(b) The fake diamonds.
(c) The empty bottles.
(d) The televison.

10. What happens on June 25th?
(a) Rachel's birthday.
(b) Cuff's retirement party.
(c) Blake's birthday.
(d) The experiment.

11. What was the black bearded man dressed like?
(a) A sailor.
(b) An Indian.
(c) A judge.
(d) A businessman.

12. Whose consent does Franklin need before he sees Rachel again?
(a) Cuff's.
(b) Mr. Candy's.
(c) Godfrey's.
(d) Bruff's.

13. Where was Mr. Luker seen leaving with two plain clothes police officers?
(a) The stables.
(b) The post office.
(c) The bus station.
(d) The railway station.

14. What does Cuff believe was Luker's motive?
(a) Wanting Rachel for himself.
(b) Stealing the Moonstone.
(c) Stealing Godfrey's bankcard.
(d) Inheriting Abelwhite's house for himself.

15. Where does Mr. Bruff talk to Mr. Murthwaite in this section?
(a) In a cafe.
(b) Behind a factory building.
(c) In a train carriage.
(d) At a dinner party.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Godfrey keep at the country villa?

2. In which month did Franklin stop smoking?

3. Who marries at the end of this section?

4. Who narrates the eighth narrative?

5. What kind of stone do they place in Rachel's Indian cabinet in for the experiment?

(see the answer keys)

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