The Moon Is Down Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moon Is Down Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Tonder shout at during the occupation?
(a) Joseph.
(b) Molly.
(c) The Mayor.
(d) Annie.

2. What happens to the soldiers that are sent home?
(a) They are rewarded with money.
(b) They are taxed heavily.
(c) They are killed.
(d) They are welcomed home.

3. How do the people know how to use the packages they find?
(a) They use explosives in the mines.
(b) A letter was sent explaining it to the Mayor.
(c) Instructions were included.
(d) They use trial and error to figure it out.

4. Why do the soldiers not venture out alone?
(a) They feel surrounded.
(b) They are following instructions.
(c) They have to protect one another.
(d) They are on guard.

5. What is printed on the packages dropped around town?
(a) Resistance!
(b) TNT.
(c) To our brothers.
(d) Via England.

6. What does Lanser fear most about the packages being dropped?
(a) That he will be demoted or even executed for failure.
(b) That his advisors will be disappointed in him.
(c) That the success of it will spread to other occupied towns.
(d) That they will implode on contact.

7. What thoughts give the Mayor shame while he is under arrest?
(a) Suicide.
(b) Surrendering.
(c) Running away.
(d) All of these.

8. What does Mrs. Morden tell Tonder was the cost of her companionship?
(a) A passage to England.
(b) Two sausages.
(c) A week's worth of bread.
(d) $5.

9. What does Lanser ask of the Mayor before his execution?
(a) To run and save his life.
(b) To take an oath of peace.
(c) To sign his book.
(d) To tell the people to stop the explosions.

10. Who has the hardest time with depression of the soldiers?
(a) Loft.
(b) Prackle.
(c) Lanser.
(d) Tonder.

11. What gift does Annie bring to Mrs. Morden?
(a) A piece of meat.
(b) Some firewood.
(c) A warm blanket.
(d) A sleeping tonic.

12. Why does Annie get suspicious of Mrs. Morden?
(a) She never sees her cry about her husband.
(b) She saw Tonder go to her house.
(c) She has seen her anger.
(d) She knows she gets extra food.

13. What holiday does the author compare the dropping of the packages to?
(a) Halloween.
(b) Easter.
(c) Christmas.
(d) Independance Day.

14. What does the Mayor want sent from England?
(a) World news.
(b) All of these.
(c) Poison.
(d) Explosives.

15. What startles Mrs. Morden while she is sitting alone in her house most nights?
(a) The sound of marching soldiers.
(b) The end of day whistle.
(c) The whistling winds.
(d) The voices of men.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is sent to retrieve all the packages dropped?

2. What does Tonder ask Mrs. Morden to do for him when he visits her house?

3. What does Winters say the enemy has underestimated when he is under arrest?

4. What is Tom's last name?

5. What does the Mayor call his predicament to his wife before his execution?

(see the answer keys)

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